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Everything posted by erikarm

  1. Ingame name: 215|InFy^ Previous organizations and leaving causes: none Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire a criminal organization from the high society.They are known to the public as a councilmen ,politicians and busnesmen.The gangs activities Involves weapon & drug trafficking,corrupting politicians and contact killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: I'm on saes for some time and all i did so far is being UE helper since i have couple of friends who already joined your ranks. Im also familiar with the rulles about what gang members should do on gang vs gang (turf + gr) activity or Br. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a cooperative group of people. Which are from the gang and organized in groups(squads) with a guy appointed from the head of the organization as their own personal leader. They must listen or act together a team and have mutual respect for their supperior, and above all not to ruin the gangs prestige and downgrade its influence!
  2. Ingame name: 215|InFy^ Previous organizations and leaving causes: none Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire a criminal organizatio from the high society.They are known to the public as a counsilmen ,politicians and busnessmen.The gangs activities Involves weapon & drug trafficking,corrupting politicians and contact killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: I'm on saes for some timdde and all i did so far is being UE helper since i have couple of friends who already joined ur ranks. Im also familiar with the rulles about what gang members should do on gang vs gang (turf + gr) activity or Br. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a cooperative group of people. Which are from the gang and organized in groups(squads) with a guy appointed from the head of the organization as their own personal leader. They must listen or act together a team and have mutual respect for their supperiors, and above all not to ruin the gangs prestige and downgrade its influence!
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