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Everything posted by Velo

  1. Sorted: Super GT in las_colinas_17 was changed to Police LS. Infernus in Los Lunas Warehouse was changed to Police LV.
  2. Sorted
  3. I agree to rent it out to EISA until the deal is terminated by either side or the organisation decides to move out
  4. Right where the JUMBO island was...
  5. Might as well allow CLO/HLS and other supposed to be untraceable classes to disable their blips, then it's all good
  6. Date: 27.08.2022 Property Name: Linden Train Station Your Username: velona77 Rentee Username: mertt Duration: Until MI-6 moves their base or I request it back Fee: 0$ Screenshot:
  7. Sorted
  8. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/33197/donation-undefined-amount-5-00-gbp 250 points confirmed
  9. 50 points confirmed :ballot_box_with_check:
  10. Sultan placed in LS prop 2 generic wraps added money rewarded
  11. This is an automated post TXN ID: 8D594750J5617862J Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  12. 40 points :white_heavy_check_mark: Money rewarded Cheetah Banshee Skimmer Hotknife placed at Whetstone prop "Whetstone Shady Club"
  13. Comet Turismo Super GT placed at BC prop "Comando Sur" Forklift Dozer placed at LV prop "LV Weapon Storage" Money rewarded
  14. There actually was an obstacle, pirates trying to capture your ship. It was a challenge for the captain and fun for pirates but iirc the captain spawn was actually removed due to bugs and then the pirate spawn became pointless leading to a point where SAP got closed. If our developers can make room for it, we can get back an activity that will include civilians, criminals, and cops so y not
  15. @Kiloo said in Kiloo's Reward Change (inactive): overwolf1 This is now yours :crazypepe: Let me or any other SAHA know if the icon happens to get bugged
  16. +40 points confirmed with https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32451/donation-undefined-amount-20-00-gbp new total : 271
  17. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32425/donation-undefined-amount-15-00-gbp 180 + 30 = 210
  18. Confirmed by the bot. Congrats for the 40 points now please pay my debt.
  19. This is an automated post TXN ID: 4KT813584E7389320 Donation Amount: 15.00GBP Link to your Donation Tracking/Points Topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Hotring Racer 3 with a custom wrap velona77_8 Vehicle Colour: white Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: velona77 Where you want it placed: in front of my property Kebab Street 2
  20. Confirmed by the Discord bot. Thanks for donating, it got you a freaking 10 points
  21. @PaiN500 said in [Suggestion] Addition to the current turf system: Why the attacking gang gets less points per kill? Most of the time you decide to attack a gang when you are outnumbered, so I think it is fair if the defending gang has the advantage of getting more points per kill. If this slight advantage is the topic I'd rather base this advantage on online and non-AFK members from each gang to encourage gangs to attack while even outnumbered. So that way let's assume, Attacking gang outnumbers with x amount of members -> defenders get more points for killing attackers Defending gang outnumbers with x amount of members -> attackers get more points for killing defenders you would still have the guts to attack even when you have fewer members, but on the other hand, it's questionable if it's a fair system
  22. Velo

    EE IDK

    @moley said in EE IDK: cool story bro but bro
  23. I assume what you mean is its handling. I think it would be cool to have a couple of paid handling options to select from for popular cars like Infernus, Cheetah etc.
  24. Address: 28 Biff Street Account name: xxxtriple Last seen: 4th March 2022 Screenshots:
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