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Everything posted by Platinum

  1. Attenders: @RocketLuncher Story of your roleplay: I'm chasing a criminal, as usual this morning. And I noticed that the car's speed as decreased performance. And a suitable place to park the car, I thought about what I can do. A friend came to my mind itself produces parts for race cars. I explained the situation immediately by calling the phone with my friend. I told him that there is a decline in the performance of the car in recent times. Told me that the problem with the car's engine. He told me he would gladly help and told me to come to the factory. It did not take long to go to the factory. He greeted me at the door and invited me inside. Looked at problems that go to the car after a little chat I had not seen him for a long time. I asked him what the problem is. I told me that I should change my wheel and that of the old car engine. Then immediately he began to repair the car. He said it was very inadequate for the car's engine and told me to wear a much more powerful engine. Car ignition plug to open the new engine showed me the speed of the car is really incredibly good performance. Next the car had come to change the wheel. He told me that it is extremely resistant wheels have. I told him to show me the wheel and saw the wheels seemed really durable. And I told him I wanted one of these. And we changed the whole wheel of the car. The car's wheels and engine changed. Finally, we car make a routine check. Did not seem to have any problem with the car was pretty good. We pulled the car out of the garage. I thanked him for everything and how much I asked. He didn't want money from me because I was a police officer.The reason I asked. It also told me that we are working for their safety, and asked to accept this as a thank you. I couldn't say anything in the face of what they say And I had to accept it.So then I said goodbye to him and left. Character(s):@Rocket and i'am my Roleplay name "~[Jeff Strongarm]~(blue)" Screens:
  2. Attenders: @RocketLuncher Story of your roleplay: In One day , I was driving to the bank Los Santos , the weather was bad , Heavy rain , lot of fog on sky , strong wind , visibility was almost isolated ,i Was approximately in Red Country near Mongols base , pricesly in "Dillimor" , i was driving too fast , madly , as i had a variety of tasks to complete. Suddenly , I lost control and the car was deviated out of the road even i crashed into a tree , but fortunately i did not suffer from serious injuries , but the car was almost in bad condition and most of items were broken . I was puzzled and unfortunately after few minutes a police officer from OC Special gang named "Rocket" came to me whose i told to him what happened to me , He realized my situation and he gave me ticket which i had to pay in Police Department , i went to the exact location and paid the ticket which enabled me to be free . After that , i went to The "Collision and Frame Repair Vehicles" where i overhauled my car then i went back to my activities . It was really a hard day wich is full of adventures and problems . Character(s):@Rocket and i'am my Roleplay name "~[Jeff Strongarm]~(blue)" Screens:
  3. Part 1 / Personal information. Ingame Name: Platinum Real Name: hammouda Age: 19 Country: Tunisia Languages Tunisian, French and English. Gender: Male Nationality: Tunsian. Have you ever been kicked/banned from the server ? / if yes why? Never. Have you ever been kicked from a Gang/squad ? / if yes why? N/A Part 2 / Your playtime in MTA/SAES. How long have you been playing MTA? More than 3 years How long have you been playing on SAES? Same, SAES its the only server I play at this moment How many hours do you play in a day? Depends, if Im home or not but ill say 4-6 per day How many times do you visit the forums in a day? Two times per day Previous gangs/squads?: ICE Are you in any groups?: N/A Do you have PC (Procop membership)?: Not yet, I will do an external apply Part 3 / Questions about your qualifications. Strengths: Im serious when we need to be. I like TeamWorks. Weaknesses: I do not know how to drive boats. Describe Deathmatch: Killing players without a valuable reason. Describe RolePlay: Acting like in Real Life which mean that you need to integrate the work of your character. Describe TeamWork: Teamwork hence the name suggest which consist of working with a team where each member have a precise work to do and everyone needs to rely on each other Add a picture of your stats by using www.imgur.com (press /stats ingame)(use spoilers: [ Spoiler][ /spoiler] Part 4 / What to do if. What would you do if you are chasing someone and they avoided arrest? First of all I will PM to the avoider by telling him that he avoided my arrest, because probably the avoider is a new player and he may dont know whats an avoid. If Ill catch him avoiding a second time I will take and Screen Shot and do (/report) to admins/staff with as reason rule break What would you do if someone came and asked you for a bribe? I will tell him kindly that Im not a corrupted officer, but if the player is an officer I will bribe him. Someone DMs you: I will PM him by telling him that he DMed me and I will take an SS and (/report) him to an Admin/Staff. An admin asks you something: If his favour are in rules with my rules I will accept friendly. Someone from our squad with a higher rank calls you? I will come the fastest way possible Part 5 / Additional Questions. Did any TST member suggest you to apply? Who? No, I just patrolled a lot with TST members and I decided to join this Squad. Did you have the chance to hang around with any TST before applying? If so who? Yes a lot, well I think I patrolled with all TST members: Mixpeco,Arma,John, (I forgot all the others names) Where is our private forums?: Well, I guess that its in saesrpg.uk but now with the new website I think that they changed the emplacement. Who is the Leader and the Vice leader of TST?: The Leader of TST is Sir John And the Vice Leader is Sir,NFUN Why do you want to join TST?: Well I think because its a pretty good squad with active and friendly members, event thought TST was inactive for a long period but now the squad is back on feet again. Give us at least one good reason to accept you?: Hello, I'm Hammouda mjaid, i'm 19 years old, i'm from Tunisia exact citty, i got 2 brother their names are mohamed and firas at this young age, i got many hobbies such as Football and Basketball, etc.. Additional information:
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