Ingame name: Daliox Ingame username: Daliox Previous organizations and leaving causes: No this the First organizations i will join Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. Difference is that UE doesnt have ethnic limits. Also, it has politicians who are not just associated but who are part of it. Some of the members of UE are high society members who on the ground are known as businessmen, politicians etc Underground everythings different What binds you with Underground Empire: UE Members known as people from high society since 1866. I Would like to expand my experience in SAES joining a respectfull Gang and also Im binded with UE by my Criminal Role. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a formed community by highly dangerously criminals they have their own reason that is mostly money and lets not forget about the main reason, their one rule to play its profit.Its a community which is controller,leaded by wise people's everything is planned.Also gangs may become part of organized crime of course with discipline and loyal members also with a wise leader.Its mostly called mafia or crime syndicate.