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Everything posted by Sahin

  1. Date: 16/04/2021 FOX crew involved: [FOX]Sahin Other players involved: *O|koiboy Summary: A serial killer wanted by cops was escaped from LVPD succesfully and last seen at around Las Venturas. This job was sent to FOX Operations by LVPD officers and Agent Sahin took the job. As officially, suspect were followed by Agent Sahin for weeks and in the best time she got arrested in the bank succesfully then sent to LVPD officers to get front to justice. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/qR0Z7mf
  2. I was inactive for a while and now back aswell. I used to be architect. Account name: kaganthekiller
  3. 1- Name: Kaan 2- Ingame name: Sahin 3- Age: 18 4- Sex: Male 5- English proficiency: I can describe my English as understandable. If you want me to rate it 7-8/10 6- Native language: Turkish 7- Other languages: English, German little bit 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes, I do 9- When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I'm playing SAES since 2015. 10- Total gameplay (hours): 3345 hours. 11- Approx gameplay daily (hours): 1-6 hours in a day. It depends to my work/school etc. 12- Average FPS: 60 13- Average Ping: 80 14- Previous organizations and reasons for departure: SAPA: Got my PC licence. TST: I wanted to go my friend's squad NNB. NNB: Squad got level down to 1 level and many people left. 15- Are you an active user of Discord?: Yes, I am. SECTION B A. Define our role (FOX): The mission of the Fox team is Intelligence. so the fox team is the intelligence group. Collect important information and evaluate it as necessary.Fox evaluates this information for correctness of the important information it receives and evaluates whether it is correct. The important thing is that the S-14 unit, which is the special team of FOX in the operations, leads these operations. B. Define marker arrest: If a criminal is near the marker the police officer can't catch that criminal. C. Minimum arresting level: 0-10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1- Do not dm anyone randomly. That is mean you can't kill someone without reason. 2- Don't arrest the players when they are in marker. 3- Speak English only main chat. 4- Don't kill the police officers while you playing as a crim if they are not chasing you. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Because in real life there is a conversation between the criminal and the police before the arrest is made and this is called roleplay. The offender has to be given a right to defend herself and to answer questions asked. SECTION C I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences:, First of all, I'm a loyal boy. I spent atleast a year each of my old organizations I have participated in. I'm a friendly person therefore I'm a social person with my environment. Also, I do my missions. seriously given by my commanders/high ranked persons. My imagination is very well, I'm a creative person. II. Write your strengths and weaknesses: I'm good at flying airplanes, helicopters. Also, I find my self good at using sniper rifles. My imagination is very well, I'm a creative person. But as weaknesses, I'm an impatient person. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: When I was a SAPA cadet, I wanted to join FOX after get my PC license but it didn't happen sadly. It always remained a dream for me. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I find myself a good, friendly person therefore I can get on well with people. I'm a good, experienced player. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add:? No, I don't have. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White House in Los Santos to even be considered to join Fox Operations X. https://imgur.com/7yV90qQ
  4. I had to go inactive for 1-2 months because of my exams, etc. I got my old and good activity since 1-2 weeks and I noticed that I'm unable to spawn as architect but I checked everywhere about ranks and my name still seems as an architect. Can any high rank help me about it, please?
  5. Name: Sahin Username: kaganthekiller Rank before kick/leave: DD - HD - PC Ex Cadet How long have you been in sapa: Honestly I don't remember, It was a long time ago. Who kicked you: I didn't get kick by anyone. I left Date of kick/leave: Too long, I don't remember it as a date. Reason for kick/leave: Wanted to try my luck in other sides/squads. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : I didn't leave my current side, I wanted to try my luck again in SAPA as an instructor. Why do you want back in? : I'd like to try my chance while SAPA is a group. What have you learned from this?: I don't think that I did anything wrong so I haven't anything to learn. Who do you want to apologize to?: No one. Why should we give you a second chance?: I got my old activity back and you already know my personality features. An example my loyalty is not questionable.
  6. Roleplay Type: Antenna collapse & fire Description of roleplay (minimum 3 sentences): It was a cloudy Sunday in San Andreas and It was a lazy day in LVFD. Our morning shift was going to end soon and Mr.Carter was with me. We received a red light emergency call from Tierra Robada County Space Discovery Base and It was about the huge antenna of Tierra Robada. The discovery antenna had a small collapse and it can collapse now easier than before. After receiving the calli we got ready and got in the trucks. All of our equipment was ready in trucks. I wore my thermal clothes in the truck while it moving for saving the time. We went there as a convoy with 1 ladder, 3 firetrucks, and 1 chopper. After planting some warning signs and fences around the area, we connected our firetrucks to hydrants immediately. It was very tall and we didn't have any eye contact in the collapse area. We decided to connect our trucks to the chopper's camera for having eye contact fires and collapse area easier. We tried our bests with firetrucks but it wasn't enough. We made a decision and got out the trucks. I called our engineer for making the area safer with fixing the main pillars of the antenna. He fixed them and we entered the scene carefully. I walked to there and climbed up from pillars. Some of the firefighters came with me and we extinguished all fires on the antenna. We climbed down and called ZIP constructions team for fixing the antenna well. Location: Tierra Robada Participants: [SAFD]Sahin<DC>, Chief.Asaf, [SAFD]Carter<En>, Cadet.Bozi, Cadet.Shadro, Cadet.Asgal, Cadet.Riley, Cadet.Dufabo Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/3xkCNVA
  7. good luck ppl, it going to be 4th or 5th rec I've participated
  8. Good luck fellas!
  9. PART 1 - Personal Information Ingame & Account name: Sahin / kaganthekiller Real name: Kaan Nationality: Turkey Age: 17 Do you have discord? Yes, I do. PART 2 - Ingame Information Are you apart of any Groups? Yes SAFD = District Chief ZIP = Architect PC = ProCop Officer TEC = Cab Driver SAM = Paramedic Current S/G/C: Well, I'm a part of NNB members How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I'm playing SAES since 2015. What are your strengths: I'm good at flying aircrafts, driving cars and having sniper fights. What are your weakness: I'm a bad captain so I dont drive boats, ships very well. Rate your English skills (0-10): Well, I would rate as 7/10. Rate your RP skills (0-10): I have an amazing imagination so I am a good roleplayer, 9/10. PART 3 - Additional Information Tell us about yourself: Hello, I am Kaan. I'm living in Turkey/Izmir and I am going tow highschool. I am 17 years old. Lets talk about my appearances; I have curly long and dark blond hairs, I have brown eyes and I have medium heigh. What is our main role (By your own words): Dealing drugs and prostitution. Why do you want join our family: Well because UC family has good, friendly and quality members, I would like to be one of them. Why should we accept you in our family: Well, because I am mature, experienced, honest and friendly person. I would work for UC family. If you had a chance to join our activities with us post the screens here: Sadly i didnt have a chance :( But will try my bests to join UC activities
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