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Everything posted by MacYeizzon

  1. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 29/12/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/C9XtpF3
  2. Vehicle Type: Roadtrain Vehicle Colour: Yellow (ALT COLOR) Specify any upgrades: v8, AWD, Nitro, Suspension Usernames to lock: crazyloc Where you want it placed: ALT Base https://imgur.com/a/fh2ma08 @Brophy Regards and thanks.
  3. This is an automated post for: MacYeizzon Donation: GBP 10.00 GBP Link to your donation tracker topic: Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your donation tracking topic link and requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  4. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 22/12/2024 Participants: O|Cvah Duration: 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Z1eIPFd
  5. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 21/12/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: 30 mins Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/6XvtrQe
  6. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 21/12/2024 Participants: N/A Duration: 1 h Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/1labW7v
  7. Type Of Activity: Roleplay Date: 20/12/2024 Participants: @kellerman Story: On a clear afternoon, a rescue helicopter was flying over a remote area when its fuel gauge indicated a critical alert. The experienced but worried pilot initiated communication with the nearest base. A well-trained and agile resupply team received the call. They prepared everything in record time: fuel, tools and personnel. Minutes later, in an improvised clearing, the helicopter landed while technicians ran towards it. With precision and speed, they loaded the necessary fuel while the pilot thanked them from the cockpit. Shortly after, the helicopter took off again, ready to complete its mission. The team on the ground rings, satisfied to have been part of an indirect rescue, proving that even the simplest logistics can save lives. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Mpa2HXM
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 12/18/2024 Participants: @5riminaLLLL (O|Ramone) , (O|Kaki), MacYeizzon Duration: 120 mins https://imgur.com/a/yJgoqPm
  9. Type Of Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 12/18/2024 Participants: @5riminaLLLL (O|Ramone) , MacYeizzon Duration: 30 mins Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/lB4YvPg
  10. Type Of Activity: Delivering Goods Date: 18/12/2024 Participants: @kellerman and MacYeizzon Duration: 1 h Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SWH01Cp
  11. Type Of Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 17/12/2024 Participants: @kellerman and MacYeizzon Duration: 36 mins Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/uSjq6kH
  12. Type Of Activity: Trucking Date: 16/12/2024 Participants: @MrSolrac and MacYeizzon Duration: 30 mins Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/aUcQwfi
  13. Type Of Activity: Refueling Gas Stations Date: 16/12/2024 Participants: MacYeizzon Duration: 30 mins Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/pYo8U4f
  14. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 12/12/2024 Participants: MacYeizzon Duration: 15min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/px9h3ec
  15. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 09/12/2024 Participants: MacYeizzon Duration: 30 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/l9XHT0E
  16. Type Of Activity: Role Play Date: 08-12-2024 Participants: @kellerman It was a quiet night on the highway, the full moon casting its glow over the empty road and the flickering lights of a gas station. The refueling driver had stopped briefly to check his tanker when he noticed a sleek red car parked near the entrance, its hazard lights cutting through the darkness. Next to it stood a tall man, visibly frustrated, peering under the hood. The refueling driver approached and calmly offered his assistance. The man, who introduced himself as Kellerman, explained that he suspected an engine problem since the car had suddenly died after making strange noises. The refueling driver inspected the car, carefully checking the connections and attempting to start the engine. With a knowing smile, he explained that the issue wasn’t mechanical—it was simply out of gas. Embarrassed, Kellerman admitted he hadn’t noticed the empty fuel gauge. Without hesitation, the refueling driver returned to his tanker truck, filling the car’s tank just enough to get to the next station. Grateful, Kellerman thanked him with a handshake and a smile before starting the car and driving off into the night. Watching the red car fade into the distance, the refueling driver climbed back into his truck, satisfied. Sometimes, he thought, even small acts of help can make a big difference. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BTfIhVB
  17. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 08/12/2024 Participants: MacYeizzon Duration: 1 h Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NKWuzdD
  18. Type Of Activity: Refilling Fuel Stations Date: 07/12/2024 Participants: MacYeizzon Duration: 10 Minutes Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VRwtolG
  19. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations Date: 25/05/2024 Participants: @MacYeizzon Duration: 41 minutes Screenshots:
  20. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations Date: 23/05/2024 Participants: @MacYeizzon Duration: 18 minutes
  21. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations Date: 19/05/2024 Participants: @MacYeizzon Duration: 30 minutes
  22. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations Date: 19/05/2024 Participants: @MacYeizzon Duration: 20 minutes
  23. Type Of Activity: Refilling gas stations Date: 18/05/2024 Participants: @MacYeizzon Duration: 15 minutes
  24. Aviation cadet :airplane: <3
  25. Name: crazyloc Username: MacYeizzon Rank before kick/leave: [PC] How long have you been in sapa: Five months. Who kicked you: None. Date of kick/leave: I left around april, 2015. Reason for kick/leave: My principal goal was get the PC Diploma. What happened from your side/why did you leave?: Like I said previously, I obtained the diploma and after I left, because I made an apply for a squad. Why do you want back in?: The principal reason, is because I want to help to new cadets in SAPA that really want learn about the police side. Also, I want give them the same opportunities that SAPA gave to me in the moment I was cadet. What have you learned from this?: A lot of experience. Who do you want to apologize to?: - Why should we give you a second chance?: Because I am old PC member and I want give my knowment to the new students. Also, I want help SAPA as instructor.
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