Application Format: 1/ Personal information Nickname:Jeff Ingame Username: pinkponk123 Age:16 English proficiency:Well my english is getting better and better evreyday so if im gonna give my self a number on 10 it would be 8/10 Nationality: Tunisia Spoken Languages:English arabic French Roleplay skills: im good at talking and acting but i just need to learn some anim commands so i will give my self 6/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked :N/A Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role:Well ur main goal in this server is getting money and fame through stealing (banks;cars;etc..) and selling drugs and killing all ur enemies (especially the cops) Previous punishments/bans and reason:N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?:Well i ve seen ur gang members and they were so proffisional so i liked they way they play together and communicate together so i decided to talk with them and hang out with them for a while so they suggested me to apply here if want to be one of this respected gang What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :My driving skills and aiming skills are so good i played alot of games like cs go and cod and bf and some tps games like pubg and fortnite and those games made me even better at aiming + im humble and loyal to my gang i would give evreything i got to make this gang better What does DeathMatch means:Killing other players for no reason (those who didn't try to attack u ) If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?:Well i would fight him back and defend my self but if he kills me i will report him for sure So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?:i will leave him in peace unless he try to arrest me What does avoid arrest means: it means running away from the cops without getting arrested State 3 turf rules: 1/ if you"re killed in a turf where a turf war is going on and you're spawnd as a cop criminal , it's not counted as a death matching 2/ your not allowed to camp on unclimable rooftops, climable houses are allowed 3/ you can only use your gang's spawn or the hospital spawn when a turf war is going on and ur not allowed to spawn as a medic or a cop to assist ur gang State 3 BR rules: 1/one gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gr per day 2/ gang cannot start a Br with only 1 member inside the bank 3/Assesting ur own gang as a medic or pizzaboy is not allowed State 3 GR rules: 1/No grenades to be at all 2/No spawn killing, dont camp a gang's spawn beef up defenses else where if necessary 3/ you can only gang rob spawned as your gang ,don't bring helpers /allies or others to help Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :Yeah kalashrie What are your strengths:i have a high iq and ik how to deal with tuff situations +im good at aiming and roasting enemies What are your weaknesses: my only problem is that i rage fast when i get tilted by someone (campers or getting arrested) Something else to add?: Well i hope u answer me as soon as possible