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victor Nagit

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Everything posted by victor Nagit

  1. Personal Info Username:Linux11 Account name:Kiler13 Age:16 Nationality:republic of moldova Languages:english or romainian You have discord ? :yes Tell us about yourself: In-Game Experience How long you play SAES/RPG:one month How long you play MTA:one mnth How long you play every day:four oclocks English skills (1-10):3 RP skills (1-10) :2 Do you have Procop Diploma:no Previous Gang/Squad/Company:no Why did you leave:- Have ever been banned before:no Reason for ban:- Information : Your strengths:arrest or drive Your Weaknesses:shoot Explain why we should accept you:you like to play MTA Who Recommended you to apply in NSWC:Winston Rules: Did you read the F1 rules :yes Are you allowed to arrest/kill in Hospital:no Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? :no Are you allowed to camp in jail ? :yes Explain what is marker arrest:when you arrest a killer who is at a floppy disk or hes really crazy Explain what is deathmatch :when you arrest withount moribos or kill Explain what is parking arrest:when you drive by car and then you arrest him Explain N.S.W.C .rules 8:you are not allowed to arrest SWAT,FBI,ICE,FOX because it is not good Explain N.S.W.C. rules 13:a oliceman gives him a bribe to a criminal under 10 stars best
  2. special information: User name:Linux11 Account Name:Kiler13 Age:15 Nationality:Republic of Moldova languages:english in romanian Do you have discord?:yes Tell them about you: Experience in the game How long you play SAES / RPG:one month How long do you play MTA:one month How long do you play every day :four clocks Competencies in English (1-10):5 RP Skills:(1-10):4 You have the Diploma Procop:no Anterioana Gasca / Team / Company:no Why did you go:- You've ever been banned:no The reason for the bani:- informi: Your strengths :arrest in drive Weak points :shot Explain why you should accept :you like to play MTA Who recommended you to apply to NSWC:Winston rules: You read the F1 rules:yes You are allowed to arrest / murder in the Hospital:no You are allowed to stay in jail ;yes Explain what is deathmatch:when you arrest without moribos or kill Explain what is arrested in the parking lot:when you drive by car and then you arrest him Explain NSWC.rule8:you are not allowed to arrest SWAT.FBI,ICE,FOX Becauze it is not good Explain NSWC Regimes 13 :a policeman gives him a bribe to a criminal under 10 stars bestr
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