Personal Information Name: Doan Username: hafiy Ingame Name: TatarDogaN Age: 20 Nationality: Turkey Capability to talk english (1-10): 8 In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: Since 2017 What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: SAFP - Left, because of inactivity. FOX - Left because i needed more players to play with. Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: Nope How many hours a week do you play?: Around 20 hours maybe more. What are your strengths: Sniper, Driving, Roleplaying, Arresting and Flying. weaknesses: Driving a boat. Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: Because i wanna be with some of the friends i got in Bloodz and i see the future that i would fit really good with ya. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: Teamwork, RP and alot of friendship. Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? Roleplay is like, playing in real life. Play as it was your own got damn good life. What is our Gang RP and Motto?: We are the Bloodz, located in the west coast of Los Santos, we work as a team and never leave a homie behind. We are known as a ruthless gang which participates in different criminal activities such as drug dealing, smuggling, arms dealing, turfing . Who is BloodZ's leader? Makaveli What do you do if you get deathmatched?: I will report the player, or contact a HQ of the SQUARD / Gang. What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: If its inside the gang i can contact our HQ and if its another player i could Report him to the administrators, but first i would take a little talk with him/her. Tell us something about yourself: I'm a 20 years old boy from Turkey, i can speak a little English, i go at a Istanbul University