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About Zebronel

  • Birthday 09/10/1997

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  1. Display Name: Zebronel Username: Zebronel Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 40 or 80 ( I'm a bit unclear on time constraints for points)
  2. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 28 January 2020, 00:00 Why do you need this change? I am Requesting the change due to my Donation rewards no longer being present after an absence from the game for a period of time Link to Donation Tracker: Vehicle Requests: LV Police Department: Police Crown Victoria (Steelies Variant if we have one) Black and White Police Tahoe (Steelies Variant) Black and White Police Charger (Black Wheels as i dont believe we have Steelies for those) Black and White Housing Request: 1 small or medium interior for my property at 27 Jimmy Savilles Close I would hope to be able to get all of those vehicles to have a V8 and NOS and be located in the LV Police Department Also, is the addition of a "Cash Reward" new to the donation function? I never received a cash reward for previous donations and was curious if that's a new addition as well as if I would be eligible for it. Username: Zebronel Screenshots unavailable due to the vehicle no longer existing in game.
  3. Apologies for improper format, posting from the phone and it wont allow for me to select the drop down arrows
  4. Was curious about adding Explorer's into the game as a Police Unit, Explorer's are a nice police SUV and personally I would like them added to SAES, I could be alone in this desire but they are quite nice vehicles
  5. Honestly Great work yet again HLS, these crime reports make the game so much more enjoyable for both Cops and Crims, keep up the great work
  6. How much have you donated for the sever? Total Donated: 40GBP. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 5 Jun 2019, 00:00 Why do you need this change? I am Requesting the change due to my Donation rewards no longer being present after an absence from the game for a short time Link to previous Donations: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5315/donation-zebronel-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5232/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5235/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp Vehicle Requests: SF Police Department: Police Crown Victoria (Steelies Variant if we have one) Black and White Police Tahoe (Steelies Variant) All White Police Charger (Black Wheels as i dont believe we have Steelies for those) All White I would hope to be able to get all of those vehicles to have a V8 and NOS and be located in the SF Police Department Also requesting being added to the Donator Spawn Username: Zebronel Screenshots unavailable due to the vehicle no longer existing in game.
  7. How much have you donated for the sever? Total Donated: 40GBP. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 5 Jun 2019, 00:00 Why do you need this change? I am Requesting the change due to my Donation rewards no longer being present after an absence from the game for a short time Link to previous Donations: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5315/donation-zebronel-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5232/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5235/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp Vehicle Requests: SF Police Department: Police Crown Victoria (Steelies Variant if we have one) Black and White Police Tahoe (Steelies Variant) All White Police Charger (Black Wheels as i dont believe we have Steelies for those) All White I would hope to be able to get all of those vehicles to have a V8 and NOS and be located in the SF Police Department Also requesting being added to the Donator Spawn Username: Zebronel Screenshots unavailable due to the vehicle no longer existing in game.
  8. @Tut-Greco Aircraft Placements: I would like the aircraft placed at the SF Airport, i have a Spawn Placement there so it should be easier to find for you. Vehicles: I would like the Vehicles with a V8 if engine upgrades are now possible and NOSx10, and I have no further choices for vehicles. Interiors: I would appreciate a Medium Interior 11 (M11) at the predetermined location if that is possible, and if am only allowed a Small Interior I would appreciate a Small Interior 5 (S5). Thanks for all of your help.
  9. I have corrected it to the correct format as much as possible as some of the format simply didn't apply to my unique situation if you need to to correct anything else just say so an i will do so to the best of my abilities.
  10. How much have you donated for the sever? Total Donated: 40GBP. When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Never requested Reward Change before. Why do you need this change? I am Requesting the change due to my Donation rewards no longer being present after vehicle update. Link to previous Donations: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5315/donation-zebronel-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5232/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5235/donation-zebronel-amount-5-00-gbp Vehicle Requests: Shamal: SF Airport - Zebronel Donation Spawn Maverick: SF Airport -Zebronel Donation Spawn Alpha: SF 20 Seamen Road -Zebronel Home Username: Zebronel Screenshots unavailable due to the vehicle no longer existing in game. Interiors: Medium Interior SF 20 Seamen Road Requesting: Additional Small or Medium Interior in LS Temple Flat 3 I have donated a total of 40GBP making me eligible for a large interior,I however currently posses a medium interior and was curious if it was possible to get a second small or medium interior for my second home instead of a large one.
  11. Okay thanks ill stick with what i have for now
  12. @master Is it at all possible to get a small interior as well with this topic?
  13. Okay, then i will Request 1 Alpha as well at my property Flat 3 in LS and i will claim my other vehicles at a later date, when i have the appropriate property to store them.
  14. This is an automated post TXN ID: 71966191YC164871W Donation: 30.00 GBP Requested rewards: No Vehicle requests but would appreciate 5m instead of the typical 3m, Also a Medium Interior for 20 Seamen Road Please edit this post and add your requested rewards
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