Your ingame username: Understaked015
Your ingame alias: Rocoso
Your real name: Juan David
Your DOB: 15/04/03 00:00
Your gender: Male
Nationality: Colombian
Country of residence: Colombia
Language skills: Spanish and English
English Proficiency: I have a good knowledge to make myself understood and to understand other people.
How long you have been playing: I have been playing for approximately 5 to 6 years.
Your strengths: I have a good attitude towards problematic situations and I usually take things with patience to think with a calm mind.
Your weaknesses: I don't have any problems to emphasize, I feel that up to this day I have been able to manage and improve my weaknesses.
Member of the SAES discord server: Yes
Reason for application: I feel that it is a good way to contribute with the server by giving a grain of sand, there was a period in which I did things wrong and that's why I received a ban and I feel that helping more in depth with issues related to the server would be a good way to reward the mistakes I did.
Unique qualities you can offer: good handling of situations in which a person would be complex due to stress or feelings, I know how to handle things separately without mixing friendship or similar situations and I feel that this can help a lot when it comes to occupying a position with responsibility in the community.
Server Memberships: Previously I was in quite a few police groups but currently I only belong to San Andreas Interceptors, S.W.A.T, BRINKS.
Additional information: I hope to be able to contribute more to the server if I am accepted and provide the most activity in Latin American time zones where there is not usually a lot of staff activity.
Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: I have never had Admin Jails Mutes or anything like that.
Previous (legitimate) bans: I got a ban of several months for being directly involved in selling server stuff for real money and lying to the staff to avoid the ban.