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Everything posted by Mateus

  1. Ingame name: Mateus Username: Mateus9540 Country of Residence and Nationality: Im from Croatia and i live in Croatia. Spoken Languages: Engilsh, Croatian and other Balkan languages Age:15 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: Ive been started before many years, im old player. 2015 Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Overdose Crime-Leader decied to close it. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hey there, Im Mateo. My nickname is Mateus and my friends in real life calling me with this nickname. Im 15 years old but my beahavour is not childish. Ive been borned 12th April 2005. I live in Croatia and i can speak many Balkan languages. I have cousin in The Company and this is reason why im writing this application. We are best friends in real life and he is @VeX . We know each other sinice we are 2 years old. Also i like The Company because there is a many Balkan people. I was in one gang allied with The Company, Overdose Crime and i joined it because VeX told me it is better to join lvl4 gang cause i should show loyality and now im back on SAES.RPG. Ive been created new account cause i forgot my main account Mateus95 password and can not reset password. Thanks for reading and i hope you gonna accept me <3
  2. Mateus apply for Tour de SA! -Name and Account Name: OC|>Mateus, Mateus95 -Age: 14 -Where are you from?: Croatia -Since when you started to play at MTA/SAES:RPG: so, i play long time and after my inactive ive made new acc so i will say sinice 2016-7 -Why do you want to join us: because i like to drive and i like to be bus/plane/boat driver. -What is your RP name?: Mr.Mateus -What are your biggest strength/weaknesses: strength: im good driver and i know drive any vehicle. weaknesses: i dont like to drive slow and carefull
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