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  1. ClaR

    Leaving SAES

    Have you ever been back Puppy?
  2. Happy birthday CripZ traitor
  3. eeeee happy birthday pierdola
  4. Hopefully admins will start fixing bugs now instead of banning people for abusing them
  5. Happy birthday bratan Hope Tamara gives you a nice present
  6. @Deu this time I become pvt?
  7. Makes Petrow cry about sniper on turfs
  8. Its funny to see that most of anti-headshot supporters are never known as good snipers and almost everyone that support hs is good with sniper. I personally support headshots and think that its pretty good thing and actually shows the skill, so the turf advantage is now less dependent on the quantity of centrain gang, but also skill isnt less important than quantity. If youre tired of getting HSed on turf then do something about it, find ways how not to get HSed, whatever. F.e people in ThC kept nolifing at hospitals with sniper and now theyre one of the hardest gangs in turfs. The only thing thats missing is a better sync.
  9. @Petrow
  10. Hbd youre old now but still kid
  11. Stay strong men. Everything will be ok with you and your dad since youre real slavs!
  12. All copyrights reserved. @Cornelius
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