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Everything posted by CreepyRebel

  1. Nickname: Creepy Real name: Sherif Age: 22 How long have you been playing SAES?: Played for a month so far. Do you own a freeway?: Yes. Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?: I don't have one. Explain roleplay: Club Secretary. What is an MC?: Motorcycle Club. Why do you want to be Sons?: Doesn't hurt to try new experiences and groups. What is DM?: Death Match.
  2. -Event type: Turf Takeover/Ambush (San Fierro) -Explain: We've tried to ambush a gang territory, but got caught by the police shortly after. -Event Host: [Sons18]Reddust|Pr -Participants: Reddust, Creepy, Juliano, and Codename (Disguised as cop) -Date and time: 30/12/2018 -Screenshots or record: https://i.imgur.com/6hkiymP.png Posted by Creepy, Club Secretary
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