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  3. It does not work that copies me the URL link of the site not of the song Do you have a guide who can help me? @JohnnyEnglish
  4. !I know it is not into this category but What links this castum URL running and it working at all? https://srv214.gif.co.il/images/21022Inkedmta_screen_2019_0.jpg
  5. good luck
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  7. Your personal informations such as first name and age. Nickname:Protection RealName:Roei Age:18 Your understanding of Motorcycle Clubs. (There are no wrong answers, if your knowledge is wrong we will tell you and you'll decide then if you want to be in a MC or not)In motorcycle clubs there is a consolidation between the entire gang and they always go together motorcycle trips and commit crimes on motorcycles and go to the bars of bikers Bikes that are owned by you and your skills of basic riding. (We wont expect much from you, as you will get better as a prospect.)I had every motorcycle in this server and I have knowledge of driving motorcycles Your knowledge of server rules. (This is really important, if you dont know the rules of the server or how they're followed, please check f1 to learn.)I have knowledge of the rules Why do you want to be a Rebel. i want to be rebels becouse i love to be robber and i like this gang becose this gang its bikers gang and i like this becouse i drive bikers and i very do it very good and i like bikers bars
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