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Everything posted by nikisadaka

  1. address : Restouran Eldar username : snjader Last Seen : 13 February 2019 Screenshots :https://imgur.com/no73T7j
  2. Address:Big Gay Apartments Business Corp Account name:snjader Last seen:13th February 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/CPWNL1i
  3. Address:Big Gay Apartments Business Cop Account name:snjader Last seen:13th February 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/CPWNL1i
  4. Address : Saladbar Shop last seen: 10th february Account name : mierburns SS: https://imgur.com/B8AyVLX
  5. Address : Richman Love Cabin last seen: 10th february Account name : morcao69 SS:https://imgur.com/Rn66rDS
  6. Address: Electronics Ls Shop Account name: abnormaal123 Last seen: 8th January 2019 Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/1XG38Ag
  7. Address: Sex Toys Ewwww Shop Account name: Nomak11 Last seen: 2nd February 2019 Screenshots:https: https://imgur.com/uaHySaV
  8. Address: Nanos Guitar Shop Account name: kaoz123 Last seen: 2nd February 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/Zmc8CWT
  9. Address: Your Business Our Pleasure Account name: Diexx Last seen: 5th January 2019 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/W5n7Ev7
  10. Address: Norwegian Beach Paradise Account name: killer89 Last seen:6th Januari 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/erJCBKG https://imgur.com/4Wslbam
  11. Happy Birthday PREZ FELIX - wish u alot of happy moments,luck,money and only positive things on you :) !
  12. starting 1m.$ https://prnt.sc/mnsgel https://prnt.sc/mnsgyc https://prnt.sc/mnshry https://prnt.sc/mnshzs https://prnt.sc/mnsiee
  13. Starting price 1m.$ https://prnt.sc/mnsej2 https://prnt.sc/mnsezx https://prnt.sc/mnsf8w https://prnt.sc/mnsfig
  14. Starting price 1m.$ https://prnt.sc/mns5ys https://prnt.sc/mns6fy https://prnt.sc/mns6t6
  15. starting price from 200k https://prnt.sc/mns24p https://prnt.sc/mns2fs https://prnt.sc/mns2na
  16. Business in near SR%. Starting price from 1,5m $ https://prnt.sc/mns03e https://prnt.sc/mns0i8 https://prnt.sc/mns0ra
  17. Starting price from 4-m $ https://prnt.sc/mnrqln https://prnt.sc/mnrruj https://prnt.sc/mnrsmy https://prnt.sc/mnrs7n
  18. Starting price from 4m$ https://prnt.sc/mnrqln https://prnt.sc/mnrruj https://prnt.sc/mnrsmy https://prnt.sc/mnrs7n
  19. Ingame name: nikisadaka Real name: Nikolay Georgiev Account name: nikisadaka Age: 21 Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: English , Bulgarian and little Russian Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave): Cosa Nostra (CN) ive leaved because the leader is small boy who dont know anything about game. Current server groups: Your strenghts: Im playing that game from a little boy . Can drive everything , can shoot with all weap's , and know every place on the MAP . Your weaknesses: My weaknesses are to be in a good criminal gang and have a fun time together. How long have you been playing on SAES: arround 4 years i went in for the first time . But over these 4 years I was two of them offline because studying Higher Education in capital of Bulgaria. How long have you been playing on MTA: on MTA from a young boy , my first server was FTA - FULL THEFT AUTO , and my second is SAES. Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES: NEVER Rate your English skills from 1/10: 8/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10: 9/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10: 10/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10: 9/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch: Player vs Player What is the meaning of RolePlay: act like real life What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest: running or suicide ( self - destruction ) Why do you want to join HRMC: My passion is such gangs as yours . Want to be respected by the other gangs .Old clubs are classic, the new ones have nothing more to create, and they just copy you. Why should we accept you:I'm a communicative personality, I suppose I'll like the other members. I like to play as a criminal and I will be useful to the whole group Do you have any friends in HRMC: POLENTA Tell us something more about yourself:I'm a 21 year old boy, I'm studying a higher figure. this is the last year of my education. I play games from a little during my free time. I train a few sports. Since I stopped playing the game for two years, I've lost inventory and property. Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang: POLENTA
  20. Nickname:nikisadaka Age: 22 years Nationality: Bulgarian Languages Spoken: Bulgarian,English and little Russian. Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:Never How long have you played on SAES so far: Im playing on Saes arround 6 years , but the most of the years i was offline because ive studied higher education. Optional Information: only play as a criminal, I was in a moto club, but then I stopped playing and lost a lot of houses and businesses, only my money was left in the bank and the cars. I think I can help you to create a good group, and I will be faithful to you
  21. I want to get in :)
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