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Everything posted by Avanger

  1. try this : https://mirror.mtasa.com/mtasa/utils/MTADiag.exe
  2. Address: lv near bank Account name: promehmet Last seen: 03/01/2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/mhiNf2C
  3. Address: lv near bank Account name: promehmet Last seen: 03/01/2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/YvP4iI5
  4. Event: Lucky Tupe Prize: $1,000,000 Winner : Lazar Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: @Kowalski Screens : https://imgur.com/a/gCC9PX4
  5. Additional Information What is your Real Name: Aymen Age :21 Country of residence :Tunisia What other languages do you know? :French/Arabic Rate your english skills :8/10 Please tell us a little bit about yourself, (Write minimum 50 Words) :My name is Aymen ,i'm an 21 year old guy living in Tunisia excatly hammamet and my interests include cycling, swimming ,and drawing, but most importantly, gaming. After being raised in a strict household environment for most of my life, playing GTA and experiencing the freedom it gives you was like a breath of fresh air for me!.After that i begin trying to improve my experience in SAES by joining one of my best gangs called 'T~C'. In-Game Information and Motivation Part What is your Ingame NickName : Avanger Account name (?) :xxavangerxx Do you have discord ? :Yes How many day hours do you spend in-game in a day :like 4-5 Hours How long have you played on MTA and SAES : 3 years Have you ever been banned or jailed by SAES admin/staff (if so please write the reason) : Previous gangs/squads/:(explanation of why you left/ or kicked) : -T~C = I was Capos rank and sadly HQ's closed it . -UE = i felt uncomfortable there since they didn't take attention on me also they didn't care about my opinions . What would you say your weaknesses and strengths are? :About my strengths i have game benfit's like everyone on shooting,driving,helikilling and cracking also i am mature and i say that is a strength to and i had good communication skills on roleplays as you know i like building and i have a good skill with it and i've a good skill with sniper well this is my current strengths.and i had one weaknesse that's i'm weak in driving boats This is where the effort goes when you want to join, why do you want to join HHMC ? :I'd like to join with you guys because as you know that HHMC is the skilled also i love so much their teamwork and had skilled members , i am sure that HHMC is the group which i realy need to be on , i feel like I could fit in great with this group. I like to help as much as possible, and I will do whatever it takes to get things done. For what reason we must accept you, and what you can offer us (Please write more information here because this part is important) :I could benefit you guys because I have plenty of activity which always helps the group, and I'm a pretty good driver, and I'd like to bring whatever I can to the group. I always try to show as much effort as I can, and I will always try my best. Well, i can offer all my efforts if i be part of it:and im a that player who can help his team to be the best , i don't be a lier but i will work hard to help the HHMC and doing some big rps and events ,also i can offer another thing like activity as i said and loyatly like activity ,I guess having one more skilled member will be a good thing to make this organization better.
  6. Event: LMS Prize: 1,500,000 $ Winner(s): Disaster Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: ColdPlay Screens: https://imgur.com/a/1pm1dVI
  7. @Disaster said in CripZ | Media Archive: Roleplay Story : In recent days, our stock of ammunition began unloading. We made some contacts trying to meet the best dealers of weapons, trying to get the best quality. I had a call with with @Avanger and we dealt to meet us in a secret parking in San Fiero near the hospital .After a short a speach, we followed him to Arms Assassins base where we finished the deal. We cheked the weapons, we spoke about the quantity that we will take it. Then we went to AA office to finish the deal. we paid them then we picked what bought returning to our base. ::: :::
  8. Event: Last Man Standing Prize: $1.500.000 Winner(s): Rocket Hoster: Arms Assassins LWS: Kowalski Screenshots: ::: Winner : :::
  9. ~[Application Format]~(magenta) Nickname: Avanger Age: 21 Country: Tunisia Languages spoken: English/Arabic/French From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: 3 years In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: In my opinion Arms Assassins is a one of the biggest gang and is feared among the streets. They have been selling guns since they were created in 2011 year. Its literally one of the best and most respected gangs. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): -T~C = I was Capos rank and sadly HQ's closed it . -UE = i felt uncomfortable there since they didn't take attention on me also they didn't care about my opinions . Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: I got banned since 2016 cuz i was fighting with Haveer Name 3 BR rules: 1-Don't use i'm stuck to teleport 2-Don't leave the robbery from the roof 3-You are not allowed to rob alone Name 3 GR rules: 1-No grenades or vehicles are allowed to explode the place. 2-Don't spawn kill. 3-Don't block the safe's view with any object or vehicle. Name 3 Turf rules: 1- You musn't spawn a cop or a medic and arrive to turf. 2-Murdering from unclimbable roofs is not allowed . 3-Don't use animations to hide yourself on walls. What is Roleplay?: Roleplaying is acting in your characters role, both in actions and what you say. Some people simplify roleplaying and just act in character for their class. A cop acting like a cop and a criminal acting like a criminal. But most of the time, a roleplayer will create a story and personality for their character and act it out when needed. It's playing-your-role! What is Deathmatching?: Deathmatching is killing a player with no objective or reason behind it, A.K.A just killing to kill. Some people DM for revenge against other DMers, some DM because a player accidentally destroyed their car or shot them at store robs or other large-scale events, and a lot DM just to DM. It's against the server rules, it's disrespectful, and it isn't cool. Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I complain by taking a screenshot and /report . You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: To be honest i'll try to ignore him as possible as i can . Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: well i know Kybalion i was with him in T~C and we made good days so in my opinions he is more like my brother and Daglow . Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): My name is Hamza,i'm an 21 year old guy living in Tunisia excatly hammamet and my interests include cycling, swimming ,and drawing, but most importantly, gaming. After being raised in a strict household environment for most of my life, playing GTA and experiencing the freedom it gives you was like a breath of fresh air for me!.After that i begin trying to improve my experience in SAES by joining one of my best gangs called 'T~C'.my biggest weakness is when i go a little too gung-ho sometimes. Attempting crazy stunts when they aren't needed, trying to wrestle with police, etc. I make sure to keep it calm when things are serious, though! and also my strength is My situational awareness and driving skills are pretty great. I'm also pretty fond of my shooting skills! Not gonna lie, the M4 and Rifle are my favorite weapons.
  10. Owner: CripZ>GR4Y (username: majoromar) Last seen: 22th september 2018 https://imgur.com/a/ui7xCHM
  11. Owner: DeFFender (username: itachi365) Last seen: 1th september 2018 https://imgur.com/a/vrhJBTJ
  12. Owner: BUZIABALINT (username: bencevokbazdmeg) Last seen: 19th July 2018 https://imgur.com/a/nRVWSkz
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