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Posts posted by Narcilius.

  1. Ingame name:

    Ingame username:

    Previous organizations and leaving causes:

    • OC: There were some problems with management, so I left.

    • The Conexus: The gang has been closed.

    • The Royals: The squad has been closed.

    • SWAT: I decided to change my side, so I left.

    Define Underground Empire:
    Underground Empire is an organization that has founded by three men who have survived from American Civil War. The journey of Underground Empire has started by the three men who have decided to make money abusing corrupted politicians. Starting the journey by making money has continued over a hundred years and has become a huge family that has an enormous web around the US.

    What binds you with Underground Empire:
    Underground Empire has a decent community that's the most important bond for me. Also, Underground Empire has a satisfactory history and quality background. The place that Underground Empire stands in the community is another thing that binds me with Underground Empire.

    What do you know about organized crime:
    Organized crime is the way to commit a crime by using plural sources.


    Nickname: Narcilius
    Username: percia
    Age (D/M/Y): 15.02.2002
    Nationality: Turkish
    Gender: Male
    Current gang/squad: The Royals
    Current group membership(s): N/A
    Previous groups (List the reasons, why you left or got kicked out):
    Cluckin' Bell : Inactivity
    Have you been punishment in the last 2 months? If yes, why?: N/A


    Why would you like to join our company?: I love trucking and some of my friends are member of GXT, so I'd like to do trucking with my friends in a spesific organization.
    Can you offer anything special to the company?: Well I do trucking often, so I can offer activity. I also can offer my trucking skills and knowledge for roleplays.
    Which division do you prefer? Trucking or Mechanical? (State the reason as well): I prefer trucking. Well I enjoy trucking much more than playing as mechanic, so I can say, I'd be more useful in roleplays as a trucker.


    Your strenghts/weaknesses: My strenghts are being teamworker, active and loyal. My weakness I get bored so fast when rp gets stuck.
    What does roleplay stand for?: Acting, performing as a spesific character.
    Do you have any experience in roleplaying? I consider myself as a well experienced.
    Are you capable of obeying orders? I do
    What do you do if someone insults you in main chat?: I ignore to be honest. If someone still does it. I'd report the someone the SAES Authority.
    What do you do if someone deathmatches you?: I'd report.
    Additional Information:

  3. alt text
    Name & nickname: Burak Kaan and Narcilius
    Nationality: Turkish
    English proficiency (State your level, f.e: B1): B1
    Punishment history (Detailed): Once, I got adminjailed for DMing
    Past organizations history (Detailed): OC and Conexus. The details have been explained to Top Brass.
    Reason of your application to The Royals (Minimum two lines): Playing as criminal made me bored so I was playing as Cop. While I was hanging out with them, They welcomed me pretty well. That was what I wanted to find in an organization and Also I find The Royals more developing than others.
    Summarize the role of The Royals with your own sentences (Minimum two lines): The Royals is a top level agent organization who gathers criminal information and intervene the criminal events.
    Why should we pick you over others?: I am Loyal, Teamworker and Friendly.
    What unit would you like to join? Either Undercover or Intelligence Unit (State your reason of preference): I'd like to join Intelligence Unit because to me, The Intelligence is the most important section of Anti-Criminal Org. Well I do think, I fit there perfectly.
    Oath: I, (nick), swear that this application has been written by myself and was taken from the first page, I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1 and Rules section of Royal. I (nick), promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty. I, Narcilius, swear that this application has been written by myself and was taken from the first page, I am aware of the consequences if I don't follow the stated rules in F1 and Rules section of Royal. I, Narcilius, promise to serve for the honour of Great Britain and her majesty.

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