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Everything posted by Arctic

  1. Sorted
  2. @Human_ you've failed to claim your prop within 48 hours. Punishment is as stated in the topic. Property goes to next bid which is @FoxZilla. You also have 48 hours to get this sorted.
  3. Already requested 2 this week. Request denied.
  4. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  5. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  6. sorted
  7. failure to contact saha within 48 hours, prop has been put on public sale.
  8. Request denied, too early.
  9. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  10. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  11. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  12. 14 days passed since topic creation, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  13. Failure to claim within 48 hours, prop has been put on public sale.
  14. Sorted
  15. Address: Bank Of Bone County Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 24th November 2019 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/9qVT6VF.png
  16. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  17. 14 days passed since topic creation, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  18. User isn't inactive, request denied.
  19. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  20. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  21. 7 days passed without a bid, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
  22. 14 days passed since topic creation, this auction will be archived, feel free to start a new topic if you wish to continue this auction.
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