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Everything posted by Arctic

  1. @markus the same as what mechanics are doing. Roleplay whenever the opportunity comes around.
  2. I can repair all my vehicles but not refuel them, wtf? Please add. Make the server a little more enjoyable.
  3. nice trick
  4. thanks people
  5. Pictures of how it looks ingame without any mods. ::: :::
  6. Because why not. Its a QoL. Please add
  7. @nanobob oh okay, seems like I misinterpreted your suggestion. Seems viable the way you described then.
  8. @nanobob sounds incredibly annoying to play against haha, imagine you go to the turf and let RNG be the deciding factor of whether or not you die. Making it random would make it annoying to play against and remove a big skill factor in actually staying alive.
  9. sorted
  10. sorted
  11. sorted
  12. sorted
  13. wrong info, post again
  14. sorted
  15. sorted
  16. sorted
  17. sorted
  18. This is an automated post TXN ID: 9N475743M5117314W Donation Amount: 40.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle 1 ::: Vehicle Type: sea sparrow Vehicle Colour: default Specify any upgrades: None Usernames to lock: (arcticbear) ill add all the other ones myself Where you want it placed: ::: Vehicle 2 ::: Vehicle Type: Maverick Vehicle Colour: #FFFFFF Specify any upgrades: None Usernames to lock: (arcticbear) ill add all the other ones myself Where you want it placed: ::: Vehicle 3 ::: Vehicle Type: Sabre Vehicle Colour: #FFFFFF Specify any upgrades: V8, AWD, nitro 10x, hydraulics Usernames to lock: (arcticbear) ill add all the other ones myself Where you want it placed: ::: Vehicle 4 ::: Vehicle Type: Shamal Vehicle Colour: #FFFFFF Specify any upgrades: none Usernames to lock: (arcticbear) ill add all the other ones myself Where you want it placed: Someplace SFAP, will find a place with the admin who sorts. ::: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
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