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Proton last won the day on June 15 2023

Proton had the most liked content!

About Proton

  • Birthday 10/06/2003

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  1. Comando Da Capital 26/09/2021 - 26/05/2024 🕊️ Gathering my thoughts as I sit here, I can't help but feel a bittersweet pang in my heart as I announce the closure of Comando da Capital. For more than two years, it has been a place where people from diverse walks of life found common ground, understanding, and friendship. It's been a journey filled with laughter, shared experiences, and support. But as life's demands evolve and priorities shift, the time has come to bid a farewell to it. Comando da Capital was my first official gang on SAES, my first taste of community in a digital world. Reviving it with @Killer was an honor, but now, as it fades away, I can't help but feel a deep sadness. We poured our hearts into acheiving what we acheived with the help of some great people. So, to all who have been a part of this journey, I extend my deepest gratitude. Thank you for your support. Though the curtains may fall on Comando da Capital, the friendships forged within will endure. Farewell, but not goodbye.
  2. CC Activity Number: #13 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: Knock me off NRG Screenshots:
  3. CC Activity Number: #12 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: Kill the LWS Screenshots:
  4. CC Activity Number: #11 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: First to bring a DFT wins Screenshots:
  5. CC Activity Number: #10 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: First to repair my car wins Screenshots:
  6. Address: 6 wend wend wend wendy street Account name: kokwedy Last seen: 22/3/2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/mx3Ptcc.png[/img]
  7. Event N: 1094 Event Type : Face 2 Face DEAGLE LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Proton Winners: @ButcheR ScreenShots:
  8. Event N: 1093 Event Type : Face 2 Face M4 LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Proton Winners: @Thunder ScreenShots:
  9. Event N: 1092 Event Type : Face 2 Face Uzi LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Proton Winners: @tryhard ScreenShots:
  10. Event N: 1091 Event Type : Face 2 Face SNIPER LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Proton Winners: @Jojo ScreenShots:
  11. Event N: 1090 Event Type : Face 2 Face CS LMS Prize(s): 1m LWS : @Proton Winners: @tryhard ScreenShots:
  12. CC Activity Number: #09 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: Lucky Nade Screenshots:
  13. CC Activity Number: #08 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: M4 Face2Face LMS Screenshots:
  14. CC Activity Number: #07 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: Nades Last Man Standing Screenshots:
  15. CC Activity Number: #06 LWS Helper: @Proton Event Type: Maze Runner Screenshots:
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