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  1. Good luck
  2. Story: we had a deal to give them the money for the weapons I went, we got paid and then I went Participants: @Bas Organizations: ~[Impudents]~(green) ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/hvINXq8
  3. @Bas said in Rebels MC Media Archive: Just another business day Yesterday we had acquired a new deal with the Imprudents. We took the goods from our factory and as promised, delivered them today. As no CDL was there to retrieve the goods we broke open their garage and carefully placed the goods in there. We'll collect our payment tomorrow! @Polentaa ::: :::
  4. @Neggroist Thanks bro
  5. @YankaTa Thanks bro
  6. @sila Thank you brother
  7. @SpeeD1Tn Thank you
  8. Event Winner: @ChasinTLSN Event LWS: @Draven Event Prize: 1.000.000 Event Type Last Man Standing ScreenShots
  9. Event Winner: @Kok Event LWS: @Draven Event Prize: 750.000 Event Type Fallout ScreenShots
  10. Event Winner: @raafet Event LWS: @Draven Event Prize: 1.000.000$ Event Type Chicken shooter ScreenShots
  11. Story: we were standing with my band and parting if someone attacked us how to defend ourselves because we didn't have many weapons I told one of the rebels we were coming to their base they were surprised why we were looking for them at that time I told them we needed weapons we sat on my couch and bass gave me a slip where to write what we wanted I did it and gave it to the rebel we agreed to pick up the weapons tomorrow Participants: @Orten @Bas and others Organizations: ~[Impudents ]~(green) ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4hgSgTk
  12. Night Activity
  13. Story: I used to drive a car when one of my gang members called me and said he had sold all our drugs. I immediately looked for where to buy a large quantity of drugs at a low price and went to Franklin who had a lot of drugs and wanted to buy 100kg of cocaine, he sold it to me for 145k. business with La Confreries Des Lions Participants@Franklin Organizations: La Confrrie Des Lions Impudents Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OUIrF1w
  14. Story: as most know that Impudents are already on the map of the underworld and today we had to get weapons and decided to call the rebel vice prezident and we met in las venturas where we found out how we would act on the las venturas and there were many and I immediately called and announced and they called me to the docks of los santos where me and my friend went without weapons because we really trusted the rebels but they were with weapons and I was being cautious leader I asked them to take down their weapons and they did it they wanted the money but I told them they were hidden and they doubted I hadn't dropped them I agreed and showed them the money then we spent the weapons in my van they took the money we the weapons and we did everything according to plan Participants: @Bagetto RebelJPS [IS]GotBrother Organizations: ~[Rebels MC]~(maroon) ~[Impudents]~(green) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/VMNb6cf
  15. @TaffyC Thanks
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