AftEr conSultaTion, wE deCidEd to deNy your apPliCation, aNd iF yOu thINk Of aPPlying hERe agaIN be AwAre that YoUr chAnCe to EnTer is somEwHat weAk. siNcE yOu wERe witH uS anD GoT tHe chAnCe tO jOiN twIcE, yoU sHouLd kNoW tHat tHeRe's nO tHiRd, aNd thiSs Is fOr eVerYOne nOt oNly foR yOu, sO wE woUlD liKe tO mAke iT eQuAl To aLl hErE. in aDdiTion, wiTh reSPect, We sTill cAn'T trUsT you aS we aIn'T sURe enOuGh if you rEaLly sOld yoUr aCCouNt beFoRe or nOt, bUt we beLieVe tHat tHiS kiNd of tRaDing sPeCiaLly in tUnIsiA, IT's a cOmMon tHiNg aMoNg you noWdAys, so we dOn't hAve eNoUgh fAiTh in yOu if you eVer iNteNd to lEaVe the seRVer, you miGhT tHinK aBouT eArNing sOme cAsH tHrOuGh tHat. we sTiLl reSpEct you as an olD mEmBer of uS,bUt uNfoRtUnAtEly, eVeRyThInG has liMitS.