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Everything posted by Twixx

  1. Address: k-9 Security Headquarters Account name: pete2011 Last seen: 12th january 2025 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/WtlWDHI
  2. Address: "Total investment " Real estate broker Account name: duivel90 Last seen: 18th December 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/N2VY4OV
  3. Address: CDC Deposit of drugs 3 Account name: thedogukan15 Last seen: 3rd November 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/tfKGgzZ
  4. Address: 8 S&m road Account name: marso Last seen: 17th October 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/FGyzQMP
  5. Address: Gnocchi cafe Account name: itzziga Last seen: oct 9th 2024 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/ZWG2UmK
  6. Address: JDM Garage Account name: ratbite Last seen: 30 september 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/DSX0Yvq
  7. Address: Bici Bici Spray Account name: ratbite Last seen: 30 september 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/HcTYhDo
  8. Address: Fallen Tree seaview 1 Account name: kovbaska Last seen: 13th february 2023 Screenshots: blob:https://imgur.com/cf8abddd-3101-47c1-92d7-04a70a3ed1e6
  9. it was very hard to find one 😮
  10. Address: 6th Street Plaza Mall Account name: mannan123 Last seen: 20th March 2023 Screenshots:
  11. Address: 1 Solarine Road Account name: ferthistheking17 Last seen: 2nd September 2022 Screenshots:
  12. Best of luck MFFM
  13. Address: Zoomville#4 Account name: franklinclint Last seen: 24th March 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Address: Zoomville#5 Account name:Steven07 Last seen: 9th April 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. username: fatihgo lastseen: 29th October 2018 screenshot :https://imgur.com/gxHBKA5
  16. username: fatihgo lastseen: 29th October 2018 screenshot : https://imgur.com/Sbpa8eS
  17. Nice to see you again Felix , Best of luck
  18. username: zax44 lastlogin:24 July 2018 screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/dgJK3Ke
  19. username : nido last login : 18 June 2018 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/GVPeOdk
  20. Ingame name: Twixx Username: Twixxy97 Country of Residence: Tunisia Spoken Languages: Arabic , French and English Date of birth: January 29, 1997 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I dont remember the date exact but since ages Previous organisations: Mongols MC | Warlocks MC | Hampton Saints MC Miscellaneous questions Define The Company's role in one sentence: The Company is an underground criminal covert organization. You are getting chased by a cop and sadly you die by falling off a cliff. Because of that, the cop is menacing you with a report. How would you approach this? I will talk to the cop firstly and tell him that was an accident if he's dumb i would ignore him and deal with the admin when he come You are in a confidential gang meeting. Instantaneously the leader of the meeting advocates something that you do not sympathize so you accidentally said something ridiculous. The leader of the meeting orders you to leave the gang and the meeting. After leaving the meeting and walking to your car you suddenly see 2 laser dots on your clothes, one pointing at your heart and the other at your liver. First, you act calm but then suddenly after a few milliseconds you get that signal in your brain that you have no body armor. What would you do after realizing that you are unprotected? i would just say "FUCK YOU" There is a guy where you had several disputes with. causing you to have an incredible hatred against him. You also have sworn several times that you will never forgive him and every time you see him you try to avoid him as you know if you do not severe drama will happen. Now this same guy which you have a grudge on decides to join the gang of which you are a respected member of. He somehow managed to join. How would you react when you see him in the gang? Ignore him
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