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Ordi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Personal Information - Name:Dejan Nickname:Ordi Age:21 Gender:Male Nationality:Slovenian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum): Im am Ordi, im 21 years old from slovenija and in free time i enjoy playing Video games. I enjoy being police officer in videogames becouse i like the work of police officer in real life. I joined SAES Quite a long time ago but went inactive. Im playing MTA since 2014 and enjoyed it ever since. I dont have a life :( so i spend that time playing videogames. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? I dont really remember when i joined. Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? No. Please list your previous squad/gang/company history: None. Please list your current group memberships on the server: None. What are your strengths? Driving, flying. What are your weaknesses? Aim... Do you have discord & TS3? Discord yes. Teamspeak yes. Whats your average ping? 40-60 Do you have access to the PC spawns? No. How many hours do you have in-game? 11+h How often do you visit the forums? Daily/weekly. Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):7 Arresting (out of 10):6 English (out of 10):8 Driving (out of 10):9 Combat (out of 10):5 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? I Belive the squad is very active and also Very Profesional and friendly. i want to join the squad as i belive i would fit in greatly. Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? Tilin advized me to apply. Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? Yes. In your own words, define roleplay: The act of portraying a character or role in a made up enviroment. in the case of SAES: Example: An officer Puling someone over and doing a breathalyzer test. In your own words, define DM: Deathmatch: The act of randomly engaging in combat with no obvious reason. In your own words, define teamwork: Working together to achive a Goal together. Example: Officers Coordinating themselves in a brank raid while comunicating to achive the same outcome.
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