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Everything posted by VeX

  1. Address: hidden tophill sack Account name: khaled00999 Last seen: 4november 2023 Screenshots:
  2. Address: Burger King Coopertaion Account name: dikraxthas Last seen:23 December 2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/N5X3siU.png
  3. Address: Las Venturas City Planning Dept Account name: dikraxthas Last seen:23 December 2023 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/2ft1YJd.png
  4. RP Number: 21 Participants: @Jiirak @MrThomas RP Story: Broken Car & Car Parts After I delivered drugs to my friend Jiirak I went driving my car trought city and chill. But mid my ride I've heard something isn't right with my engine. I've stopped my car, parked it there and went out to check on it. I didnt know what problem was so I gave a call to my friend, Thomas. He is biker mech which I trust. I've explained what happend and he told me that I should be fine if I drive slowly. He said that he will take a look on it when I bring my car to his garage. I slowly drove to Las Venturas as suggested and when I arrived to his base there was he already. He was working on something but he told me that he will check on my car right a way. I've raised my hood and turned my engine on and told him what I think the problem was. He said he will change that part, so he went in his garage. When he came out he told me that he doesn't have part which he needs. I told him my friend Jiirak I've earlier sold weed to, is having car parts since they are almost doing same job. Thomas told me to give him a call a and ask if he has part we needed. Jiirak said that they have everything and that we should meet at San Fierro because there is CripZ warehouse. Thomas told his prospect to move my car in garage and he told me to wait for him there until he brings a car for us. We drove to San Fierro and after some time we finally arrived. Thomas parked his car there and we went out for smoke while we wait for Jiirak to arrive. After few moments comes Jiirak with his car, parks car and comes out. Start talking to us and makes deal Thomas. Thomas pays him for parts and then they take parts out of container where they were stored. Jiirak brings his truck and we move everything Thomas bought in Jiiraks truck. We have decied to move it to Las Venturas together and escort it. After some time we finally arrived back to Las Venturas and we were already tired after long day. So they moved everything Thomas bought to garage and then Thomas told me to come back tommorow to get my car. I've thanked him we shook hands and we went our ways. I walked away, Jiirak was sitting in his truck getting it started while Thomas stayed in his garage yard waving at me. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/8VAbTWg
  5. RP Number: 20 Participants: @Jiirak RP Story: Delivering Hash I was driving my car around LS, chilling. During my ride my phone rang and it was my friend asking for hash. He said they are going to make a party and that they need something more. I've agreed to bring him as much as he needed. He told me how much he needs, exact ammount I've had in my car. I've told him ill meet him in his base in 5 minutes. I went driving directly to his base. When I arrived there I walked towards him we exchanged hash for cash. He thanked me and I went back to my car started driving away. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/mNPqV1X
  6. RP Number: 19 Participants: @Chezzy RP Story: Stealing Expensive Car I've called my friend told him I have job for him and he will be paid good for it. All he had to do is pick me up and drop me at one house. He agreed and after few minutes he appeard in front of me with his car. I've sat down in his car and told him where should he drive to. After few minutes we were already at location where I wanted to stay. I left his car and went to red infernus which is among most expensive cars. I lockpicked it and entered it, but alarm started ringing. Turned it off and shouted to my freind to drive to my friends house, there will he be paid. When we arrived I've paid my friend ammout I promised and left car in my friends garage. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/lWTJJ4A
  7. RP Number: 18 Participants: @MrThomas RP Story: Selling Weapons There was i chilling on bridge, enjoying a view of desert and trailway. Just when my joint was finished my phone started ringing, I picked up in wonder. It was my friend Thomas, asking me to meet him and bring some weapons he wanted to buy. He told me where should we meet. I've agreed to location and just sat in my car since I've had everything he needed in my car. I was driving for short while and when I arrived he was there waiting for me. He asked for price, and handed me money after I've told him price of guns. We went to my cars trunk and loaded everything he bought to his van. After that we shook hands and went separated ways. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/O2XlGt3
  8. Activity Number: 78 Activity Type: SR / CR Activity Date: 18/12/2023 Activity Screenshots:
  9. RP Number: 17 Participants: MSKV RP Story: Selling Weed I was chilling on sea shore, enjoying my smoke. Then out of sudden my phone started ringing and there was my friend calling. He asked me if I can sell him some weed he ran out of it. I said I've just smoked last gram but I will go to storage and get some for him. We agreed where to meet while I was getting weed for him. I entered in my car drove away to storage, parked my car there and unlocked warehouse door. I've took what I needed, also took some for myself and went outside. When I sat in my car I gave him a call just to let him know I'm on my way and that I'll be there as soon as possible. When I arrived there was he waiting for me in his car, I parked on opposite side of him and left the car. I walked to him and we exchanged weed and money, shook hands and went our seperated ways. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/MjbVvvh
  10. RP Number: 16 Participants: Pasha RP Story: Robbing Whestone Bank On our way to bank, We stopped reminding each other of rules and secret nicknames. Pasha and I were already wearing our masks and clothes for robbery. We smoked a joint to relax ourselves before going in and when we were ready we entered car. We started driving towards bank and when we arrived I parked car next to bank. We cassually walked inside and forced workers to give us everything in register. They were scared so they just gave everything to us without a question. We casually walked out of bank with money and went to car. I drove away to some random place to change out clothes in case police stops us. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/lZ9hTpZ
  11. RP Number: 15 Participants: N/A RP Story: Robbing Betting Shop I was driving from Bone County to Red County, there was betting shop in Red County I was planning to rob. When I arrived ot Red County I parked my car outside and left it. I casually walked in betting shop, took my gun out and told cashier to give me a money. She was scared for her live so she did nothing else but collected all the money that was there, and gave it to me. I went out, sat in my car and ran away. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/OSsLP92
  12. RP Number: 13 Participants: N/A RP Story: Stealing Weapons I was already on my way to steal weapons from ammunation. I knew there is no security and I was ready to rob it. When I arrived I've parked my car outside and went inside. I was aiming at guy working at shop. I've told him to not do anything stupid but he tried to grab a gun so i had to shoot him. When I killed him I took everything I wanted to steal, and more. Brought it to my vehicle and turned my engine on. I started driving towards warehouses. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/aBFSSCO
  13. RP Number: 12 Participants: N/A RP Story: Protection $ Driving my car on way to collect money. When I arrived restourant was empty as I've told him. He had money ready for me already. I took money and left to my car. They are paying us weekly for protection. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/85jKk3F
  14. RP Number: 11 Participants: Pasha RP Story: Transporting Illegal Goods On my way to San Fierro, my van is full of arms and drugs. Lots of it can not stay at our place in BC because of suspection by police. We have connections in high ranks of police so we knew already they are planing to pay us a visit. During my ride I called my friend and told him to be at exact location and wait for me there. I've had no time to explain anything but I've told him he will be paid and his job is to keep goods hidden for few days. I was already in San Fierro and I started feeling easy. He was waiting for me, I parked my van and left it. I've told him money is inside and he will be paid double when we recrive our goods back. He just nodded and went to van while i was walking away. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/TtEmmjf
  15. RP Number: 10 Participants: Happy RP Story: Bank Robbery Our whole bank robbery plan was done, Me and my friend wanted to rob bank. We took care of everything, we were ready to rob it. I gave him a call and said its the time and told him to get ready. I went outside to my van in which i planned robbery. Called my friend asked him if he is on location where we said id pick him up. I picked him up and went straight to the bank. When we arrived I parked my van behind bank and we entered on front enterice. Guards were not there, that is also part of our plan. We just told people working in bank to give us money so they had to do it. We took money and drove away. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/EFzkc5l
  16. RP Number: 9 Participants: N/A RP Story: Collecting Protection Fee. On my way to collect weekly tribue of bussines we protect. They are paying us for protection, once a week. Driving car and giving a phone call to the owner of business i just mentioned. I've told him to empty his restourant that I will be comming to collect tribue. He said he will be waiting for me so I parked my car outside and went in restourant. It was empty as he promised it would be. He handed me money and I decied that time is to leave. I've greeted him and said thanks, left with my car. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/T5zXYk1
  17. RP Number: 8 Participants: Anas & Tape RP Story: Business and Big Guns. I was talking business with my associate, I told him there is extra money to be spent. He said we don't need drugs, we already own our own lab and we have planty of it. Idea spawned in my head, we could buy some guns for ourselves. I've told my assoiciate what I wanted to buy and he said he knows a dealer nearby. We were already in San Fierro so we decied to give him a call an check if he can meet us. Associate of mine told me a number and it started ringing, I've told him to expect us in 15 minutes. We went out and I started driving towards dealers location. Dealer was waiting for us, I parked my car and started talking to him. I've explained that we got some extra cash to spend and that we wish to buy some guns. He brought us to his ammunation shop and showed us everything he had for sale. I asked him which would he recommend and he showed us M4A1, we agreed on price and I paid him right a way. He helped us taking i to the car and when we filled our trunk with boxes we bought full of weapons it in we left. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/nKLz1cx
  18. Activity Number: 59 Activity Type: SRs Activity Date: 25/11/2023 Activity Screenshots:
  19. Date: 27/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/KHaDTZY
  20. Date: 27/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/eZcit7L
  21. Date: 27/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/yrLHq2Q
  22. Date: 27/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZadBn2Z
  23. Date: 27/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/iGu6ZhU
  24. Date: 26/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5gxFO23
  25. Date: 26/11/2023 Activity: Trucker Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TaNJZ7e
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