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Everything posted by VeX

  1. TURF ::: BEFORE AFTER ::: Activity VIP ::: ::: JAILBREAK ::: :::
  2. Assisting both The Outfit & Undisputed Command's in three bankrobs in total. ::: :::
  4. #880 Event name: LMS LWS/G6/CEO: @Filex Winner: @Link Prize: 1.000.000 Screenshot's:
  5. Roleplay #356 - Deal for weapons Participants: @RafxX07 Story: At 9am today while i did listening music, I received a call and heard the voice of my old good friend. I turned off the speakers so I could hear him better and started walking around the room and listenig him and than he started talking about his problems. He started talking about his mafia and war between them and rivals! And than he told me "I need guns i will pay as much u need!" When we did done with call i started working. I went to the nearest gun shop and checked the prices. I knew that the prices from the legal and illegal markets were not the same but i told my friend i will sell him. I don't like to break promises than i done that! I took all the guns and all the bullets I had in the house and than i gone to garage. After few minutes when i got to the garage i left all my weapons and bullets in the trunk so i can deliver it. I made my trunk full of guns and ammo. In the moment i was typing his phone number to call him i got a call from him. We started talking and we agreed where we would exchange arms and money. I told him price and he reply with "no problem, like i told u" He told me he would wait for me at his garage. I went form Tierra Robada to San Fierro and finally i came to his garage. He waited for me than i came. I did there finally. We were talking about guns and than i started to work. I took all my guns and ammo from car and put in his one. He gave me money and we gone out with cars. When we left our cars we hug each others and he did thankfull.
  6. ::: Activity 9th. Februar. 2020 TURF ZONES BEFORE: TURF ZONES AFTER: :::
  7. #876 Event Name : True or False LWS/G6/CEO : @Matthews Winner : @OwenDlash Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : https://i.imgur.com/bLOMtMo.mp4
  8. #875 Event Name : CS LWS/G6/CEO : @Trevor Winner : @raafet Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's :
  9. #874 Event Name : 1v1 Sniper LWS/G6/CEO : @Trevor Winner : @Rzz0 Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's :
  10. #871 Event Name : 1v1 DM LWS/G6/CEO : @Exile Winner : @Bartman Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : ::: :::
  11. Event Name : CS LWS/G6/CEO : @Trevor Winner : @flora Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : ::: :::
  12. #868 Event Name : One Shot LWS/G6/CEO : @KARIM Winner: I dont know his name LOL Price : 1.000.000 Screenshot's : ::: :::
  13. 25th Januar. 2020 BC BR 8/8
  14. 25th Januar. 2020 RC BR 8/8
  15. SF BR 8/8 20th Januar. 2020
  16. LV BR 8/8 20th Januar. 2020
  17. Activity 19th Januar. 2020 TURF BEFORE: AFTER:
  18. Activity 7.12.2019 22:50h
  19. Driving around Las Venturas Drivers: me Passengers: @Dice @CptJones Stopping places : We were started at LVX Main destination is LV Burger Shot Last destination at LVX Main destination Screenshot:
  20. Driving around San Andreas Drivers: @johnn & me Passengers: @Cornelius @Ntruder @Dice Stopping places : We were started from LVX. First stop was at Bayside. Second stop was in SF China Town. Main drive destination at LS Beach. Last destination LVX. Main destination Screenshot:
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