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RahimM's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. ~[RahimM]~(blueviolet,magenta) ~[Has Banned]~(black,purple,purple,purple,purple) click here To help me ~[Hello,So Guys mornig i go to play Saes And BOOM thee seriel Has Banned iam banned and iam not do anything :(]~(blue) help me Here https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6192/rahimm-ban-banned-by-system ...................................................................
  2. @Disaster Respect Man Peace :fist: ~[Wild-Angels:]~(magenta,blueviolet):v:
  3. https://www.casimages.com/i/190115064341274618.jpg.html
  4. ~[NEW GANG]~ black skinner
  5. 1.Personal information Nickname :RahimM In game username : mhiritunise Age : 17 english proficiency : 7/10 Spoken languages : English , arabic , French roleplay skills : 7/10 Previous Organizations you join : SOS,BHB,Uzi 2.Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Hunting and killing enemies, targets either it was personal, for money also they do kidnapping and torture, robbing and stealing, arms and drugs dealing. And i love The Jail Break Previous punishments/bans and reason: BANNED , RuleBreak Why you want to join us : smart player, can do orders even when i think its not right, skilled and experienced player and want to a part of this organization, i'm experienced enough , im an old mta player and i have enough expirience in RPG servers. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I do not think there is a special reason to accept me but i have already a gang inreallife so i can share my experiences with you and if you want . Maybe after i join wild angles being more fun and more exicitng bankrobs,gangrobs etc And iam activie . and iam so pro 3.Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Yes i do , @VeX , , KARIM... What are your weaknesses: nothing What are your strengths: I am a good shooter and i am friend with many player in SAES/RPG , I am comprehensive to a limit , I'll help people who need me . Something to add : https://imgur.com/a/7Nkji9A ,
  6. @GanJa and me @RahimM
  7. WA discord ????
  8. How ,tO join
  9. 1.Personal information Nickname :RahimM In game username : mhiritunise Age : 17 english proficiency : 7/10 Spoken languages : English , arabic , French roleplay skills : 7/10 Previous Organizations you join : SOS,BHB,Uzi 2.Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: Hunting and killing enemies, targets either it was personal, for money also they do kidnapping and torture, robbing and stealing, arms and drugs dealing. And i love The Jail Break Previous punishments/bans and reason: BANNED , RuleBreak Why you want to join us : smart player, can do orders even when i think its not right, skilled and experienced player and want to a part of this organization, i'm experienced enough , im an old mta player and i have enough expirience in RPG servers. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : I do not think there is a special reason to accept me but i have already a gang inreallife so i can share my experiences with you and if you want . Maybe after i join wild angles being more fun and more exicitng bankrobs,gangrobs etc And iam activie . and iam so pro 3.Additional Informations Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us?: Yes i do , @VeX , , KARIM... What are your weaknesses: nothing What are your strengths: I am a good shooter and i am friend with many player in SAES/RPG , I am comprehensive to a limit , I'll help people who need me . Something to add : https://imgur.com/a/7Nkji9A ,
  10. https://imgur.com/a/oQfRzt6
  11. @ClaR OK i'm soory :(
  12. ngame name: RahimM Ingame Username:mhiritunise Previous organizations and leaving causes: SOS=SOS is closed Uzi=I left the gang because the gang not active BHB= BHB has closed Define Underground Empire:UE was founded on 1866 UE first leader is John Dixon Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis John Dixon war in left hand is blown off and Davis life is very sick They are Start activities in 1866 1888 In one Businessman come to America His name is Richard Kowalski in 1901 John Dixon is got killed later Callahan Join UE in 1901 in 1909 Judah Davis died from Heart Attack UE lost second leader Callahan Take new soldiers UE to protect him and his business What binds you with Underground Empire: UE members of the EU know as High society people since 1886 I want to join UE because They can Teach something and I also Like UE RP and I want to learn this UE is active, loyal and UE member know how to do Teamwork Thats why I want to be UE What do you know about organized crime: Organize crime is more interested in money and motivation as a result, they can continue their work better. Be willing to be violent has a continuity. Members must be respectful and disciplined.Organized crime is The members in it must be well taught and should have high discipline. Also, mistakes will happen never or barely since everything must be so organized and strict. People must do good teamwork also, teamwork is key to everything.
  13. Merry Christmas JAIL BREAK Christmas Picture https://imgur.com/a/7Nkji9A>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
  14. the grenade to ice ball! https://imgur.com/QCr4OOz
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