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Everything posted by JackDaniels

  1. Ingame name: 215|JackDaniels Ingame username: sanyalyashkov636 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Organization Zero - the reason is low gang activity. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organized crime syndicate. Underground Empire was founded in June 23, 1866. This organization was founded by 3 people ( John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, Judah Davis ). UE RP -this is the illegal arms trade of drug killing and money laundering. A favorite pastime of the gang is money laundering, as their numerous casinos say. What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is one of the most Mature and respected gangs, it has my friends, and I would like to expand my social circle and increase my experience by SAES What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is the result of a self-perpetuating criminal conspiracy aimed at obtaining super-profits at the expense of society by any means, both legal and illegal. The composition of the parties to the agreement may vary, but the conspiracy as a whole continues to exist.
  2. I bought this house with a green badge but it somehow returned to the former owner https://imgur.com/a/AgphW3U
  3. Starting price 1m https://imgur.com/a/hHc94Ii
  4. https://imgur.com/pyJr4fI https://imgur.com/Qg4YgUq
  5. Initial amount - 3.000.000$ Until the end of the auction 5 days
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