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Everything posted by Meegan

  2. Lmao bring back the old Saes and that's it
  3. Outfit is topping the charts as usual
  4. Nobody: Joe: I'm about to end this Nanoshop's whole career.
  5. @RadiO said in Hell Hounds Motorcycle Club - Media Archive: Roleplay Number : #10 Heavy Weaponary Deal Roleplay Participants : ~[Hell Hound MC]~(#3b003b) ( @Radio_ , @Gladiator, @zaza, @Sneijder, @Disaster, @Avanger and Sup88| @Judyes ) & ~[Organization Zero]~(#576b2c) ( @Meegan ) Roleplay Story : 26th January of the year 2019. Hell Hounds MC recieved information about their new cargo, which just arrived to Los Santos docks straight from Cuban. A container filled with quality weapons like automatic "M4a1" and "AK-47" weapons, hand pistols "Colt 45", "Colt 45 with silencer", Sniper "AWP type" custom aiming system, Heavy weaponary including RPG with ammo and miniguns with ammo... After getting the instructions and the location of our container we went straight away to pick up our cargo. Signed the paperwork at the docks and loaded our goods over to our trucks.. Later loaded all weaponary into locker room at our property. After getting big shipments we are always looking forward for a big deal. Todays main clients were one of the famoust SA gangs "Organization Zero". We make a long talk on the phone. Later same day we had meeting. Meeting place was at our weaponary storage , and we arranged high security over the property to avoid meeting some unexpected visitorslike Cops, Invstigation, etc Since we arrive, we showed Mr.Meegan our Weaponary Market , where we had all prepared.There were all the samples of our products were placed out. Starting from drugs, weapons and finishing with explosives. As the selection was very big, this time they chose to buy 10 "AWP type" sniper weapons and 15 "Colt 45" weapons with additional sliencers. We negotiated the details about amoumnt of weapons and ammos needs when Mr.Meegan where traing our weapons and make sure that they are a kind of the best quality. After his choices were made, our guys started to pack their weapons in the crates until heads went to our office to discuss further things in business. Also the weapons costed them 20% less as this is our first deal with him. If we were back from discussions and sharing thoughts, we loaded their van and they were ready to go. After holding the deal, Mr.Meegan ask for a company cause he was alone so our bikers decide to head with him to Zero Base. The trip went clear and soft. Our guys was driving behind him and was checking the whole time that everything is going as planned. One police patrol drived next to the partners, but they didn't stop them and they found nothing suspicious. After some time and a long ride they finnaly arrived at Zebras Base. They loaded all weaponary into Zero's Storage . After they done, they went to Bone County bar to have some drinks and enjoy their day. Special Thanks To ZCB Architect ( @DaLi )
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