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Everything posted by JiirakDaniel

  1. Event Type: ALL vs ALL Box LWS/G6 Helper(s): nCov Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): zK98 Screenshots:
  2. Event Type: Mountain bike race LWS/G6 Helper(s): Colobria Prize: $1,500,000 Winner(s): zK98 Screenshots:
  3. @whitebeard Looks like you changed your mind, DENIED
  4. Event Type: Cheetah Race (fk u rikki) LWS/G6 Helper(s): icecold Prize: $1,500,000 Winner(s): Bodo420 Screenshots:
  5. Event Type: Bullet Race LWS/G6 Helper(s): icecold Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): Bodo420 Screenshots:
  6. Event Type: BMX Fallout LWS/G6 Helper(s): rierra Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): UE|Senpai Screenshots:
  7. Type Of Activity: Trucking: Transporting construction stuff. Whetstone Logging -> Esplanade North (SF) Date: 21/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  8. Type Of Activity: Trucking: Transporting goods with @Reeyzee. Red County Farm -> LV Linden Station Date: 21/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> / [ALT]Reeyzee Screenshots:
  9. Type Of Activity: Crude Trucking: Refilling ALT Refinery with @Reeyzee Date: 21/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> / [ALT]Reeyzee Screenshots:
  10. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. Las Vanturas Date: 21/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  11. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. Red County Date: 21/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  12. Event Type: Lucky Tube LWS/G6 Helper(s): CripZ>Sneijder Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): [vvz]lazar Screenshots:
  13. Event Type: Kart Race LWS/G6 Helper(s): XpooKs Prize: $1,000,000 Winner(s): Reeyzee Screenshots:
  14. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. San Fierro (send help!) Date: 18/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  15. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. Las Vanturas Date: 18/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  16. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. Los Santos Date: 18/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  17. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in. Red County Date: 18/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  18. Type Of Activity: Van Deliveries Date: 17/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  19. Construction Title: Mechanic's Garage for trucks (Featuring the "LS Trucking Depot -> LV Central Station" Truck Delivery) Construction number: 11 Number of objects: 379 Link to the code pastbin: https://pastebin.com/eR3BdWX0 Link to the Album:
  20. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in San Fierro Date: 14/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  21. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in Bone County / Tierra robada / Whetstone Date: 14/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  22. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in Las Vanturas Date: 14/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  23. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in Los Santos Date: 14/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  24. Type Of Activity: Fuel Trucking: Refilling gas stations located in Red County Date: 14/09/2023 Participants: [ALT]Jiirak<T> Screenshots:
  25. Address: Run Down Building Account name: jax01 Last seen: 22th May 2022 Screenshots:
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