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Luna's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Personal Information - Name:Luna Nickname:lunaexe Age:14 Gender:Male Nationality:Tunisia Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):Well , My Name in Real life Rayen Raies i'm male , i have one brother i play videogames a lot , and study somtimes my favourite became actor in turkish . How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : Since 2014 Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why? : No Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:HRMC ,FBI , SAFP , ICE Please list your current group memberships on the server:N/A What are your strengths? :Arresting , Roleplay , Driving , Flying , What are your weaknesses? In my view nothing just FPS / Ping when low Do you have discord & TS3? : No , but i'll make Whats your average ping? : 40-50 Do you have access to the PC spawns?: Not yet How many hours do you have in-game? : 522H How often do you visit the forums? : Everyday , Rate your skills below - RP (out of 10):6.5/10 Arresting (out of 10):8.5/10 English (out of 10):7.5/10 Driving (out of 10):6.5/10 Combat (out of 10): 8/10 Answer the following questions - Why do you want to join STF? :Well i was inactive , and now i back i see , STF i say to myself i'll try to join STf active , mature , have teamwork in BR, SR , JB etc .... i would like to say , i have skills in arresting ,driving , combat , flying , rp Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who? : None Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws? : Yes,ofc In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplay act real life , In your own words, define DM:DM when someone afk or in car or in hospital and u killed him without reason , or attack him that's not allowed and will became report In your own words, define teamwork:Teamwork its my favourite ,work in JB , SR , BR with ur teammate to win or clear JB or SR o BR with your member , friends
  2. Application Format Ingame name:Luna Real name:Rayen raies Age:14 Gender:male Nationality:tunisia Languages spoken:turkish , english , arabic Previous G/S/C (Why did you leave/get kicked): FBI Left inactive SAFP aint cop life ICE i left because bored from cop life again Rebel left because hrmc is way better Explain what is our role in your own words:Hell Raisers MC sell one of the best quality of weapons around San Andreas and have shop to make weapon and sell it Hell Raisers MC are beside all of the other roles Mechanics too . What does MC stand for:MC mean driving in SA with Freeway What does an 1%er MC mean:The gang is criminals Who is the founder of HRMC:Franklin Why would you like to join HRMC:Because good and mature and i would like to say i want give our best . to became good and good in future . Why should we accept you:'m active , and mature , and beautifull people and i can help with event and roleplay an more jobs . Did anyone recommend you to make an application for HRMC:Franlikin Post a picture of an motorcycle bike aka chopper down below: https://c.top4top.net/p_1121q0pj21.jpg
  3. ::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSLySVws13I :::
  4. Happppppppppy Birthdayyyyyy :tongue: :dvd:
  5. Sure , that good rp also i want became in it a lot .
  6. ~[Application Format]~: ~[Personal information]~(purple) Nickname:Luna Ingame Username:lunaexe Age:14 English proficiency:7/10 Nationality:Tunisia Spoken Languages:English , Turkish ,Arabic Roleplay skills:6.5/10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : So Before i was in Offcial Squad FBI Left inactive squad SAFP Left Aint From CopLife Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role: they main hunting and killing enmey people or Reach a goal specific and make everything goes well And alliance with power gang to steal enmey zone and give people money to kill someone became hindrance in front Wild Angels And killed Cops who mess with us and trafficking/drugs and deal with another gangs Previous punishments/bans and reason:N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?: I like Role Wild Angels and most importantly Mature , Active , Friendly Member I wannabes in This Gang to give our my best and all my active and And learn things I wasn't know in the life of crime Also i want get many friends and improve myself i like his role in games and all doing to best . What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? : things doesn't know about me its i'm Mature , Active , I can improve myself with many skills and help my Teammate if need Any Help also I can do everything If HQ need help in Turfing or BR or Help Alliance Gang in Turfwar or BankRobbery or In important Meeting And i'm express what i say now And i'm verry happy when became in this family What does DeathMatch means:DM Mean : Killed without reason Example When People was in Hospital or Base or using AFK Tag and Someone Come to kill him without reason If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?: If He New in Game I can tell him Read F1 Rules if He old i'll take ss and report him So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?:If He not chasing me or AFK I'll move away from him What does avoid arrest means:Avoid Mean When Cop want arrest you and u did reconnect or Killed yourself with nades or did i'm stuck State 3 turf rules: 1.)Dont Killed allies Gang 2.)Dont Spwan in your prop in turf 3.)Dont Spwan Cops to arrest enmey gangs in turfwar State 3 BR rules: 1.)Dont Kill your member when crack 2.)Dont Spwan Cops To failed your Gang allies in BR 3.)Dont Avoid Arrest in BR with Reconnect or Jump from top bank State 3 GR rules: 1.)Dont Spwan Killing - 2.)Dont use house to gain an unfair advantage just use gang spwan or hospital 3.)Use Cars to block not allowed Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :NoOne What are your strengths:I'm Under Learnd crack , Driving , Shooting , Roleplay , Flying , Parachute What are your weaknesses:In my view nothing but Low FPS Ping bad Something else to add?: ::: ::: ~[My Kind Regards Luna]~
  7. missclick
  8. ^[Application for Cluckin' Bell] Section-A In-game name:Luna Account name:lunaexe Real name:Rayen Raies Age:14 Gender:Male Country of residency:Tunisia How well do you speak English?:If i rate myself in english is 7/10 What all languages can you speak other than English?:Turkish , Arabic Section - B Since when are you playing SAES:I start since 2013 but i was inactive now i'm with new account with new life Since when are you playing GTA:SA : Since 2012 Tell us something about yourself:Hello My Name Rayen Raies i'm an 14 years old i have one brothers i'm in real life good people with my friends and with my family So In-Game i have exerpience good a lot before since starting play MTA i wasn't know anything i was like nubs . List few of your strengths and weaknesses:Bad FPS , Ping Some time /// Driving , Respect , mature , active ,flying ,shooting ,roleplay Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them:[4x4] Ididn't left Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? : Nope Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?:I want give cluckin all our my best also respect and customers Service with Player with Asking what he need in eating in morning and evening. What can you offer Cluckin' bell?:I want offer all my actives , loyalty , mature , customers Service What do you expect in return from Cluckin' :Love, support, strength and help Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?:Yes Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?:Tapi is We are looking for really interested members, And who can help at all time. Do you think you can be like that? : Yes I'm already to help groups and give our my best Are you aware of that you will be kicked if you are inactive without informing or not hosting and participating in activities:Yes iknow i'll work for didn't get kicked . What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?:Eat till you say, "No please". ~[Best Regards Luna]~
  9. Nickname, account name, age, weakness and strenghts all classical stuff (3 lines min- 5 max) : Hello My name in-game is Luna i'm an 16 years old my weakness Bad FPS Bad Ping and my strenghts Driving , Shooting , Flying , Roleplay i'm people funny , respect , mature , active What is our role :Spread wonderful things and at some serious time for a goal Why shall we accept you:I'm Mature , active and i want give our my best to be good in future TF and i want get many friends and did roleplay with member and same events i have kind experience good a lot in criminality life Reasons to apply:I see TF active , mature and i love this group and i have friends and i want get another friends and give all my best to TF What agency you would like to join if you get in:The Ghost ~[Best Regards Luna]~
  10. Ingame name:Luna Ingame username:lunaexe Previous organizations and leaving causes FBI : Its really nice squad , but i (Left) because inactive SAFP :(Left)I ain't from Police Life . Define Underground Empire:Underground Empire was founded on June 23, 1866 by three men calling John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Yehuda Davies create a base in LV Because All casino in LV also giving a offer to another gang Trafficking in arms, drug trafficking with Nice offer also UE verry serious when trafficking with another gangs and UE work to get money to open more Casino . What binds you with Underground Empire:UE its really respect , mature and active and , I believe I belong here with UE ,I want to improve myself . with create many events , active , mature betwen all member and i will improve UE member my highly respected I want to become in this family and I want to be always with them and support them also i want join UE because nice gangs also active with teamwork in turfing or another jobs i want try to join and give all my best . What do you know about organized crime: Criminals have high experienced They do unexpected things like Steal store robbery , BR , Turfing , Sell A drugs another gangs , weapons attack Jail and did meeting when want do BR or Jail or Turfing in base
  11. i would like to say GZ for staff and i hope next time i will see you guys hq admin ,
  12. Application format: First Part: Name:Rayen Raies Ingame name:Luna Country:Tunisia Nationality : Tunisia Gender:male Age:16 Second part: How long have you been playing in SAES:RPG?:I Found saes rpg since 2013 How long have you been playing MTA?:I starting playing MTA SA since 2012 Have you been banned before? say why:Nope i haven't Why u want to join SANC?:Well , I would say i want join SANC because i want help them and with activity , teamwork , rp in this family . Why we should accept you?:Well , I should i have experinece , Activity , mature , teamwork , i know's how did RP with my teammate in group . Explain what is Roleplay. : Roleplay act real life , With Criminals if he didn't accepted the RP , you can arrest him . Explain what is Deatmatch:DM Killed people with no reason : in Hospital , Cars , Base or AFK . Third part: Rate your sailing skills (0/10):7 Rate your shooting skills (0/10):8 Rate your flying skills (0/10):10 Rate your roleplaying skills (0/10):7.5 Rate your english skills (0/10):7 My Best favourite boats : ::: :::
  13. Nickname:Rayen / Luna Account name:luna exe Age: i'm an 16 year old Gender:Sexy Male Country:Tunisia Languages:So , My first languages Is Arabic two English , turkish . How long have you been playing SAES:Well , I Found saes since 2013 How long have you been playing MTA:I starting play MTA since 2012 How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame:My activity Forums Low 1 - 2 h Because i Opened the forums only in something important . Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it:Well , I'm Good RP , I use animations before starting the RP and in starting and also GooD story also i use /me when Starting the Roleplay act real life . Explain what is [4x4] role: 4x4 role Driving with a Cars what likes around Country SA also with Best cars to did RP , drifting , race Current memberships: San_Andreas_Federal_Police[Squad] Rate your English skills :7/10 Rate your Map Knowledge skills:8.2/10 Rate your driving skills:8/10 Rate your Teamwork skills:9.1/10 Previous bans:I haven't any bans . Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group:Well , I'm People Good in Role play , Driving , Teamwork , Helping a people I dont have ignoring a players . Strengths:Role play , Driving , Teamwork , Drift Weaknesses:I dont have weaknesses in my view . Reason for applicaintion:I want get many friends ,and helping and did teamwork , role play , help in Roleplay . Are you active on Discord:Yes , OfCourse Additional Information:Well , If i join i'll help with my activity , roleplay , and more post an offroad vehicle to be considered( in spoiler) ::: https://imgur.com/dh1GZGS :::
  14. Type of the activity:Activity Night Members online:5 | Scooter , Luna , Kajo , Moon , Primat Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/pNm9fVV!
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