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Everything posted by Samdos

  1. First Part Nickname: Samdos Account Name: Samdos Gender: Male Age: 21 years old Nationality: Tunisian Primary Language: Arabic Secondry Language(s): English and French For how long have you been playing SAES? : i started playing saes in 2015 and i went inactive till 2018 so now i just came back from inactivity How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB): 10hours Which G/S/C have you been in? : N/A Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? : N/A Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? : N/A Second Part (this part was specially made to show us how far can you go and help the gang so think well before answering the situation, it may need some time but it's easy if you are what we are looking for dont include this note in your application) 1- It was the right time to start a bank robbery with the gang, the defense was regrouped and everyone was ready, the first door was cracked succesfuly but while cracking the second one a cop got in and arrested both official crackers of the gang how would you act to save the bank robbery and the panic inside the gang? well since i'm a good crack i'll try my best to save the bank robbery and continue it successfully (of course if i'm part of this club) 2- You made a mistake inside the gang and everyone was putting the pressure on you, although you were so annoyed how would you act in a proper way concidering that you will be able to fix things in future? i'll apologizes about everything plus i'll avoid all those problems moreover i'll try to solve it without any troubles 3- You were directly provoked by someone from outside the gang, the offense was too high that you got really annoyed, what would you do to solve that? nothing just i'll take a screenshot and show it to his HQs 4- The gang came to an end after a long ride and the leader decided to close it because of the lake of activity he was facing how would you act to convince him from a part and how you will solve the activity problems from another part: i would act like "keep it and i'm here to help you whenever you need me and i'll work hard on it in order to keep it alive" Third Part What is your motivation to join BBMC? : well once i came back from the inactivity i saw that bbmc is active and has a good members and kind with me when i hanged with them and i want to join this club to help in cracking What can you bring to the gang? : Cracking, Shooting skills in turfing with gangs. Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who : i asked a high ranked member there and he told me how to make an application and it was soulfly.
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