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Everything posted by DavidFox

  1. Name: David Username: zizou123 Rank before kick/leave: Full Cadet + HD+DD+ PC How long have you been in sapa: two months Who kicked you: None, i left. Date of kick/leave: long time ago 2014 Reason for kick/leave: i was trying to get more experiance to join other squads. What happened from your side/why did you leave? : Nothing happened, as i said i was try to get more experiances in other squads . Why do you want back in? : i was inactive long time , and i wanna join back to sapa because i forget some stuffs . What have you learned from this? : I have learnt a lot in my time at San Andreas Police Acedemy , like driving , using police radio correctly , and many things . Who do you want to apologize to? : None. Why should we give you a second chance?: You should give me a seconde chance , beacuse i'm good person , also i have PC diploma , so i need a chance to remember some stuffs before i joinn a official squad again. Cheers David
  2. Role Play Number: Participants in The RP: FOX: JohnnyEnglish TMH: David RP Scenario: ::: It was night the 25st of March. David was the transporter of Mafia around San Andreas , he was delivering Drugs from Los Santos Docks to the Mafia Farme , David made around 200 delivery without any problem of law , beacuse the Mafia boss was always bribing them .. But FOX Operation X the biggest enemy of Mafia , they was working 2 years to catch Mafia's boss , it was lucky day for FOX agent , because they got member of the Mafia which was working for FOX. At 23:25 , David was loading his trunk at Los Santos Docks like everyday . FOX Operation was got all information about the drop area , so if they arrest David they will get more information about the Organization and the boss . So, David was on his way like always , Suddenly FOX Agents was waiting the transporter , they closed the road , So there is no luck for the Driver to run away . The FOX agent cuffed David , and checked the trunk , he found around 250kg of cocain . Then they take David to the base , and they start asking him about some information about his Boss , But David didn't give them any littel information , because he was loyal for his Organization , So he get jailled that night , untill law will judge this case. :::
  3. Race Participants: David, BalzerCHERRY Location: Around LV Highway Winner & Prize: 0$, David Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Race Participants: David, Bounou Location: Around LV Highway Winner & Prize: 1.000.000$ , Bounou Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Event Number: 217 Event Type: LWS/G6: Yoko Prize(s): $2.000.000 Winner(s): Kunny ScreenShot(s): ::: :::
  6. ~[Race]~ Participants: David, McArthur Location: Around LV Highway Winner & Prize: 3.000.000$ , and loser will give his vehicle to the winner , WINNER:David , and he scammed. (KingStone was watching) Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. ~[Race]~ Participants: David, KingStone Location: Around LV Highway Winner & Prize: 2 times: KingStone, 1time: David (for fun) Screenshots: ::: ::: :::
  8. ~[Race]~ Participants: Yoko , David, KingStone, Cobra Location: Around LV Highway Winner & Prize: 1st: KingStone, 2th: David, 3th, Cobra Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. ~[Drag Race]~ Participants: David, Balla Location: around LV Highway Winner & Prize: David (me) Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: Chasin, Candi, David , Taaviladur, Saint, sWiPPo Location: BC-LV Winner & Prize: Candi Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: Chasin, David, saint, kaylum Location: around LS Winner & Prize: CHasin Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. SECTION 1 Name: Yesser In-game name: David Age: 19 Sex: Male English proficiency: 8/10 Native language: Arabic Other language(s): French , English. Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: Yes , i do. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: since 2011-2012 Total gameplay (hours): over 507h Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 2 - 5 hours. Average FPS: 40-45 Average ping: 60-80 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: DEA,SAPA,TST,FBI,MI-6,FOX , it happen a long time ago i can't remember the reasons. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, 24/7 SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): FOX stands on Fox Operations X , the organization is enforcement of laws and regulations, FOX Operations which has a highly trained professional agents , which they have only one goal to protect San Andreas Citizens from ilegal organizations and terrorists to make it safe . B. Define marker arrest: Arresting people while they are intering/leaving interior,, that's not allowed. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: 1-DeathMatching or revenge Death-matching is never allowed 2-camping at safe zone areas like ( Hospitals,jail, ) to arrest people is not allowed. 3-Marker-Killing or Marker-Arresting , Park-Killing , Park-Arresting is not allowed. 4-English is a must in the main chat or it will result in a mute. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: well , i should roleplay before each arrest , to make it more reallity and safty for the suspect and for me . SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: My real name is Yesser , i'm from Tunisia ( North-Africa) , i'm 19 years old , my hobbies is riding my moto at night beacuse there is no traffics , also at night it's better for me beacuse there is no cops around the highways , i can enjoy speeding and wheeling , with 2 my friends they are riders too. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: arresting , shooting , teamworking , driving, my weaknesses is sniping. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: i whish to join back FOX Operation X , beacuse it was my first family which they teached me many things , like tactics as teamwork , how to controle the SR / BR ... I did the wrong when i left FOX . IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: well, i fit the team , because i was part of FOX since long time , i wanna say i'm professionnal agent , Also i'm trustly member , but after i left FOX i think it will be hard for me to get their trust again, but i will do my best . V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Yes i do , i left FOX a few months ago , when i was trying to join SWAT Acedemy , i wasn't got any problem with FOX members , i already spoke with HQ Team "PilCrow" about my leaving , beacuse i joinned FOX in peace since long time ago and i left the family in peace , i was trying to join swat acedemy to get more experiance , but before i finish my tests i left mta beacuse some familly real life reasons .. and today i'm back to server , so i hope to join FOX again . By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: ::: :::
  13. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: marksman, marko, blouba, david , candi Location: LS Airport highway Winner & Prize: marksman Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. ~[ Race]~ Participants: Mayda, David , Mimmyiw Location: LV Highway Winner & Prize: David Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. ~[ Race]~ Participants: Blouba Location: LS Airport Winner & Prize: 2m, David Screenshots: ::: :::
  16. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: Marksman, Marko, David, Bartman Location: LS Santa Maria Beach Winner & Prize: Marksman Screenshots: ::: :::
  17. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: Ardron , Blade, vek , Gracia Location: ARound SA Winner & Prize: Blade Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. ~[Flag Race]~ Participants: Pazoo , MarkoRs , Harab , Troyano , SKullion , Nubbob , IceCold Location: Grove street / Las Venturas Winner & Prize: Skullion Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/HJDkCXH
  19. Event Number #148 Event Type: Kamikaz My Helicopter LWS/G6: @Pilcrow Date 22.12.2018 Prize(s): 1.000.000 $ Winner(s): @Bidrift Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/T75tx07
  20. Account name: zizou123 Age: 18 Gender: male Country: Tunisia Languages: English , French , Arabic How long have you been playing SAES: since 2011 last login 2015 and get banned 3 years How long have you been playing MTA: since 2010 How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame: Well i'l active on forum , also ingame i can spend around 6-9 hours playing in day. Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: My RP skills isn't very well , but i can roleplay simple like everyone , beacuse i was banned and i just back 2 weeks a good , i'm trying to remember some stuffs. Explain what is [4x4] role: 4X4 simple , vehicle which accelerte with 4 wheels , that mean All Wheels Driving ingame . Current memberships: FOX OPERATION X (Squad) , PC (Group) , TMH (group) Rate your English skills : 7-8 Rate your Map Knowledge skills: 9 Rate your driving skills: 9 Rate your Teamwork skills: 8 Previous bans: i was banned 3 years beacuse i was part of another RPG community . Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group: Well , i think , i'm good to be part of this group beacuse i'm good at driving also all my vehicles are awd , so i can controle my vehicle very well , Also i'm part of TMH group Racer division maybe this will helps me to be part of 4X4 group. Strengths: Driving , teamworking ,shooting Weaknesses: flying , driving boats Reason for application: i'm always driving off-road around San Andreas , and trying to make some good stunts , so this is why i made this application , and i'm sure 4X4 members will teach me some stuffs about stunts. Are you active on Discord: Yes , you can find me online all the time on discord . Additional Information: My name is Yesser , i joinned saes since 2011 , i was kid and rulebreaker , but after 1 or 2 years , i grow up and i start following the rules and understand the gameplay more .. then i get banned on 2015 beacuse i was part of another RPG community then i get unbanned last month . post an offroad vehicle to be considered( in spoiler) ::: :::
  21. Participants: @Crash @Blade @Denox @Rubik Location: Flag Race Winner & Prize: @Blade Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/DSAKQlM
  22. Event Number #134 Event Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Filippo Date 17.12.2018 Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Killer Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/x17zwVx
  23. Event Number #133 Event Type: Fallout LWS/G6: @Filippo Date 17.12.2018 Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): @luduka Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/roDCFeF
  24. ~[TheMotorHeads]~ [Role Play Number]: 313 Participants in The RP: @WenDo RP Scenario: ::: so the whole story begin in december 13th when david were going home late after a hard core race so he went to the gas station to refuel his car well he step out of his car going to the pompet but he saw something strange something reminds him of a bad memories he saw his enemy car the only person that david lost agaist him david was confused keep asking him self what is he doing here meanwhile his heart were beating so fast but he took a deep breath and step forward meanwhile his enemy notice him by his car and he said wendo: hey loser is that you hiding overthere trying to be invisible david said : thats not of ur business leave me alone wendo said after a long laugh wendo : ahahaha okay i will loser after all you cant beat me with that shity car but i heard story's about you wining some races with this car is that true ? david said david : yes thats true im not that david you used to know in the past im a diffrent person now wendo said with a smirky face wendo : ahaha you think so loser ? well i dare you to race me and the loser abandon his car key david was a little bit scared but he was confident and his heart full of revenge so without double thinking he said david : yess !! of course so both of them went to LVx take their positions after 5 sec of the beginig of the countdown they hit the gaz and start racing they were like bullets on the road doing their bests to win wendo was taking the race as a joke thinking that he is racing the old david that he used to know but the fact he didnt know that david knows the track better than anyone so david used a shortcut and wendo followed him that night the mist was bushy wendo was barly seeing the road he was just following the back light of davids car Suddenly he loses his car control and hit the bridge the car flipped twice while wendo still inside of it he Miraculously get out of that disaster without injures he was rage kicking his car meanwhile david get back to him and he said david : how was your trip boy wendo was completly in rage so he said wendo: fuck off you are just lucky that i didnt hit you at the first time but i need to admit it you are complitely diffrent of the david that i used to know you gain my respect david said with a smily face david : also your car key wendo said wendo: ye ye right you deserve it ::: Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/bqXd3Ex
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