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Everything posted by banned.hackmoney

  1. Gz Level 2 Gl for 3
  2. Np Good Luck Scorpion Fany !!
  3. Nickname:Shadow Other:Scorpion Username:allegilyas Age:19 Nationality:Algerian Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:Just One Ban For Trainer How long have you played on SAES so far:7years Name your previous G/S/C:xWolf_Saff_T~Ar_The_Ballas_HCP Reasons why you left/kicked:quit all aboute me: Super Criminal Soon I will Be ZiP Worker
  4. Hello there! I'm Scorpion I want Be ZIP Worker username:allegilyas Aboute Me: I'm Useing Map Editor Always i know All Id of Item I know all How I use Worker Panel!
  5. Some Logo For Rebels Mc You Can Add This Logo In Rebels Mc BACK GRound 1url:https://imgur.com/nQxj7Ep.png 2url:https://imgur.com/dMKasr5.png Thanks For Watsh
  6. @SsCorpion said in Ghetto BoyZ: Nickname:Scorpion Other Nickname:The_ShadoW Username:allegilyas Age:19 Nationality:Algerian Languages Spoken:English,Arabic Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:One Ban For Trainer How long have you played on SAES so far:7.5years ago Why are you want to join our family ?:I'm Sherching a Gang & Polentaa tell me To apply Define Ghetto Boyz: the Ghetto BoyZ its a Gang founded in 1996 by Pollen,The Ghetto BoyZ Its a pro band,his member playing like real life style! You Can Hanging With Member only if You'are Pro Player! More: I can Prodection Propertes! and Money!
  7. Nickname:Scorpion Other Nickname:The_ShadoW Username:allegilyas Age:19 Nationality:Algerian Languages Spoken:English,Arabic Have you ever been kicked/banned, if yes why?:One Ban For Trainer How long have you played on SAES so far:7.5years ago Why are you want to join our family ?:I'm Sherching a Gang & Polentaa tell me To apply Define Ghetto Boyz: the Ghetto BoyZ its a Gang founded in 1996 by Pollen,The Ghetto BoyZ Its a pro band,his member playing like real life style! You Can Hanging With Member only if You'are Pro Player! More: I can Prodection Propertes! and Money!
  8. Secound Apply @SsCorpion said in Varrios Los Aztecas: In-game Name:Scorpion Other Name (The_ShadoW) Real Name:Ilyas Age:19 Nationality:Algerian What made you applying for Varrios Los Aztecas ?:VLA has a good & pro Gang, I like VLA styles and I'm Sherche a Pro Gang Like VLA Radio Tell Me Do Reapply What is the main role of Varrios Los Aztecas ?: 1-main roleplay is contact killing 2-kill anyone for money 3-Can kill cops , civilian & criminals for money 4-Each class has its own rate of money Let us know a bit about you: i'm Scorpion Acrive Player In saesrpg server & saesrpg.uk & discord I'm Good Player For Hang And RP i know all Rules Of SAES What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in? MNC-xWOLF-The_Ballas-Terrorist Areab Role Play_YaKuZa-UE+OC+Thc+BB like a Helper Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?:I'm Good Player and You Can Watsh This in Game!
  9. real date 6/2/1999
  10. realy you very fun in my account of seasrpg.uk i dont set my real birth day date ! now is fix
  11. In-game nickname:Scorpion In-game username:allegilyas Your real name:ILYAS Age:19 Nationality:Algerian Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:Chemical,Balla$ Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?:Chemical What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?help at Turf Or Any Time,Production Money and Cars And Propertes Additional information about yourself: I am A Pro Crim I'm Active ALL day! Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):7years ago What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible): Why have you left the above?: YakuZa:I quit it ,xWOLF,I quit it,Terrorist Arab Role Play,Dead,HCP,quit reson:I like Crim,MNC,Dead,The Ballas,Noob Gang@ What server groups are you currently a part of?:I'm not in any group [The Outfit Helper] Previous server bans and reasons (include links):Just One For Trainer [No Link] Thank You For Read My Apply!
  12. @Filex This Topic Is For Sugar! I Cant Do anything Thanx You For Replying
  13. First RP: Location:Winstone Country YakuZa Member: @SsCorpion & @W-Sugar & @Mario Freand:@Razak Police:ICE Team SS:
  14. Good Luck Gays
  15. In-game Name:Scorpion Real Name:Ilyas Age:19 Nationality:Algerian What made you applying for Varrios Los Aztecas ?:VLA has a good & pro Gang, I like VLA styles and I'm Sherche a Pro Gang Like VLA What is the main role of Varrios Los Aztecas ?: 1-main roleplay is contact killing 2-kill anyone for money 3-Can kill cops , civilian & criminals for money 4-Each class has its own rate of money Let us know a bit about you: i'm Scorpion Acrive Player In saesrpg server & saesrpg.uk & discord I'm Good Player For Hang And RP i know all Rules Of SAES What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in? MNC-xWOLF-The_Ballas-Terrorist Areab Role Play-UE+OC+BB like a Helper |[now i"m in My Groupe SAFF] Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?:I'm Good Player and You Can Watsh This in Game!
  16. Result Application In Discord: @Nader Accepted @Ayoub_The_BesT Accepted @Zikou Panding,reson:not active in saesrpg.uk @Enghterman Denied
  17. ..........................................~[San Andreas Fire Fighter]~(yellow,orange,red,gray)........................................... --------Groupe Definition-------- The definition of a firefighter is a person who works at a fire department, either as a volunteer or by profession, who fights fires and rescues people and Houses from fires ---------Groupe---------- Groupe Name:San Andreas Fire Fighter Groupe Tag:[SAFF] or [SAFF]Name|Rank Groupe Date Start:25/2/2019 Groupe Panel:[SAFF]San_Andreas_Fire_Fighter[SAFF] Groupe Color:~[#ffff00]~(yellow) Groupe Money:(Private) Groupe Propertes:Power Vidoe Near LS Bank Groupe Leader:SsCorpion Groupe HQ:n/a Groupe Skin: Los Santos firefighter. Groupe Cars:Fire Truck Groupe Level :0.2 (0.3=82%) Groupe Application: ::: Application In Game name: Real Name: UserName: Age: Country: How Long You Play MTA: How Long You Play SAES: Have you joined any g / s / c : Why I should Accept You: language skills: About Me: :::
  18. Some Ss By @SsCorpion & HCP Squad For NSWC: NSWC Member's:MaXx HCP Member's:Scorpion,Lion,WITTI,Flex
  19. deleted reson is down
  20. @Adistar Thank you for your response to join a pro Gang and return the request
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