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  1. Zei
  2. I just feel you're doing it for the likes now.
  3. Happy birthday to one of the oldest friends and the nicest people I've met on SAES, have a great one.
  4. @Mootje said in The Online Market: @Zei said in The Online Market: So guys what should i add, here are some ideas based on your feedback: -Login panel to be removed -this app will work only for housing and about the designing its up to you Should o redesign or not ? I would advise you to not worry about the design at all, if you want this to be implemented in the M panel it will be using the layout of the M panel. Would be really weird to have a whole new design unless you want it to look like a separated website or something but ingame like GTA V online. Plus no offense but this design looks un-oriented and extremely rookie-ish.
  5. @Zei said in The Online Market: @Xavier said in The Online Market: That sounds cool, Although i dont really know what you mean by typing username and password. Just to prevent people from abusing you have to login with your ingame username and password How exactly will people abuse? You already need to login once into SAES, why 2nd time? It's double the work for the person who makes this.
  6. @master said in SAES Meme Pictures V2: Strongly agree with the Zei part :laughing:
  7. @Supe said in FOX - FOX Operations X: dendie dendie fucky fucky
  8. https://youtu.be/U2e0MmO2qVg
  9. I agree with almost all the ideas. We've seen in the recent past that people like to spawn as medic and I think it should be a class that is paid well and can influence a lot of people to spawn as the Emergency class. Increasing the pay is definitely a lovely option to attract people.
  10. @Resistant said in FOX - FOX Operations X: SECTION 1 Name: Abdullah Taleh Mikayilov In-game name: Resistant Age: 17 Sex: Male English proficiency: I have understandable englsh Native language: Republic of Azerbaijan Other language(s): Turkish Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, I haven't got a PC diploma yet When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: Jul 17, 2018 Total gameplay (hours): I currently have 93 play hours but in my old account it was 1800+, If you say why just your old account I had an account problem recently and forgot the password I wanted recover it but I lost my account's gamil aswell. Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): Maybe I play more than 6 hours every day but I can say that I am always active Average FPS: 50/60 Average ping: 105-110 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: The Company I decided to go back to my old job as a cop because as a cop I do everything I act like real life and making RP patrols and I left Underground Empire I was willing to become SAPA and get Police diploma that's why I left and joined SAPA San Andreas Police Academy : I thought it's impossible to get PC Diploma and it's hard even always valued the difficulties in my mind that's why I left and joined to The Comapny but now I'm thinking of going back to the police profession, maybe I can do something this time. Are you active user of Discord?: I'm active all day SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) FOX specialty is fighting on land and sea they cooperate with the local police and arrest the spies and they also fight against combat national criminal organisations and enterprises every hour, every day FOX Operaton services in almost well equipped however, the main purpose of the intelligence services is to protect the san andreas from threats in all areas, also they may always have to hide their identities, even for the safety and the person who will work in such institutions should be well equipped, just like the fox operations, the most important is intelligence-driven and a threat-focused national security organization, Serving as a semi-subordinate organization, it is responsible for organizing foreign intelligence, espionage and special operations. B. Define marker arrest: Let me explain better If you wait in the marker when criminals come out after the bank robbery and arrest them then this will be marker arrest and it's punishable C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: If someone tries RP, if you try to ruin their RP, you might have bad results by admin. First of all we should read all the rules and information by pressing F1 ingame and then we can play the game comfortably and above all, it is important that we read F1 We cannot kill anyone for no reason, otherwise everything will end with bad results. Taking advantage of bugs or bug abusing something v, multiaccounting is forbbiden E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Because if we do RP for a long time otherwise we will have improved ourselves yes some officers right about that some of crims do not stop their vehicles when we want to do RP or they don't want to do RP everybody is avoiding RP. maybe they're scared or they think their RP skills are bad but even if it is bad, one can improve himself by doing RP every time. I used this way too, but now I always play RP when I patrol around San Andreas and people should realize that this server is built on RP. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I have a big world like everyone else and I have always tried to run behind my dreams and I still try I work like everyone else I spend time with my family in real life and my name is Abdullah, I look at life differently because when a man grows up he faces with hard challenges of life I will go to the army soon after I finish school I don't remember exactly 1 or 2 years I have for army I'm determined to become a real life cop and or become a security either, and hopefully I'll be soon when I back from army and I'm also a futboolist even playing in AFFA (Azerbaijan Federal Futbool Academy) so yeah I gave brief information about myself. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My weakness is that I believe everyone quickly and then I regret and my strengths side is that I always manage to stand on my own feet. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: Because they have a decent and mature people and they all behave in the same way they behave in real life, my main goal is to make a good teamwork to achieve good success, and I want to have a good time with my new team and also I want to learn some things from FOX and I think the squad that understands everything and is helpful to me by this way I want to improve myself that's why I want to join FOX IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I have some skills, I can understand everyone's situation and I can even guarantee that I will be useful to FOX and I'm good at team work I don't let anyone down that's why I am usefull person also I am respectull many of you know me well and know what kind of person I am V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Never make mistakes by relying on unsafe people only I can say that Thank you for your application, @Resistant, Decent application, however, your application needs some improvement because it lacks some vital information. You have under 24 hours to fix your application in order to be considered. Regards, FOX HQ
  11. What happens on FOX discord:
  12. 5 mins later :
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