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Everything posted by xXMegaHeXx

  1. ~[-Part 1- Personal information]~(red) Nickname:xXMegaHeXx Account Name: xXMegaHeXx Real Name:Martin Age:15 Primary Language: English, Bulgarian Your English skills :8/10 ~[-Part 2- Your playtime in MTA|SAES]~(red) How long have you been playing MTA: 3 Years How long have you been playing on SAES: 2 years [but half with other acc] How many hours do you play in day: from 3 to 4 hours ~[-Previous gang/squads?:]~(red) Gangs: I was in MC but no other ~[-Part 3- Questions]~(red) -Roleplay is playing on roles like Police men, Criminals,Citizens and many other -DM mean Deatmaching for no reason -I am shooting good,driving good,Flying good and etc. -I want to be in this Group because I think i will be really good for you and I will help to the group
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