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  1. Address: Lolitas Soggy Mexicans Business Account name: riseagain Last seen: 10 th May 2024 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PZS81rQ
  2. Address:El Bendo Account name:chinguitocorto Last seen:2 november 2024 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/1qOvgf6
  3. Address:Burrito hotel room a19 Account name:haroun17 Last seen:26 march 2024 Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/XDIJMSU
  4. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : Nickname:Rocket[=OB=] Username:Thomas05 Age:17 years old Nationality:Tunisian [but now I am in France] Languages you can speak:Arabic/Frensh/English Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I joined SAES:RPG community since 2017 (3years+) but i forget my old acc so i took permission from an admin HQ and i create a new account. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Immigration-Customs-Enforcement. Federal Bureau Of Investigation. The Blood Brothers MC. Comando Da Capital. OverdoseCrime. Organization Zero The company Wild ~Angels CripZ UnderGroundEmpire Black~Bullets Peaky~Blinders Hell soldiers If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Hmm, well lemme start with squads i left my first squad ICE because they went inactive and began to join the players are not ready , FBI I left it because it was inactive then i decided to be as crimside i joined BBMC but sadly gang has been closed , CDC like ICE reason , OC and Thc better tell the reason ingame,Organization Zero i really had fun there with cool friends,but i just felt like im done with them ,helped them a lot.I think it's time to do a high step in my career.Wild Angles closed like BBMC reason and CripZ better tell the reason in game.UE better tell the reason in game.Black~Bullets i left after i got a permission from HQ to help PB .Peaky~Blinders i will explaine the reason in game.I left BB its a long story tbh also was dumb one i didn't decide to leave or anything i just saw friends leaving i did the same since some forced me to leave (yeah i know its really fool thing ).Hs i'didn't feel well inside the gang also form the day I joined i went inactive and the mainly reason my friends came back to black bullets. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :N/A What groups are you currently part of? :Yes,i'm in Outbreak Oganization . Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :Well, I don't like to describe my self as special but yeah, i have some qualifications which let me be a little bit special, I keep training every single day to get better & better in my shooting skills, though, my aim is better now, I'm kind of active as well, I still have pleasure playing this game and honestly, I enjoy it as much as I can which is why I'm able to come in game everyday. In addition, my experience in gangs made me a little mature & understanding how gangs work. Though, I'm trying to get better at roleplaying as well which is one of the most important things in the server if not the most important. Whatever, I'll be behaving well & I'll try my best to be respectful towards all members. I'll keep training to get even better so i can achieve other & better skills. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:Black Bullets' role is mostly about assassination with its different kinds, price is the most thing they care about, whatever or however or whenever doesn't matter to them, they can do any type of assassination for the right price. Secondly, Black Bullets work on manifacturing guns, repairing them & costomising them with best kinds & types of several Scopes or Silencers which is unique & there are well-recruited people who work on that, though, in order to make a deal with Black Bullets, they should make an agreement with one of the agents. Finally but not less importantly, Black Bullets own their invesments corp which totally let them wash their money, known as "Money laundering", as usual, a special agent will be taking responsibility of the operation. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : In my opinion Black~Bullets is a one of the biggest gang and is feared among the streets. They have been selling guns since they were created in 2011 year. Its literally one of the best and most respected gangs , joining BB will be honor for me honestly, This gang is the most powerful one SAES. BB is full of elite members and leaders who are the really the right person who I need to learn more from them also BB is an experienced gang which I wanna be a part of it to improve everything's in my saes life and I wanna make a friendship with them and be a part of this family which really gonna change me and help to do much things. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :Yes, @Jasser , @voli , @K2rhym @Melou, @MArk, @Trap , @Faysal Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I' wanna say sorry to the gang members. There is some camels forced me to leave and yeah that happened and i'm really sorry, i promise it wouldn't happen again .I have already spoken with Ahmed he said for me you can re-apply before the two weeks Thnx for reading,Rocket
  5. Application Format: Applicant Main Information : Nickname:Rocket[=OB=] Username:Thomas05 Age:17 years old Nationality:Tunisian [but now I am in France] Languages you can speak:Arabic/Frensh/English Player SAES Career Information : How long have you been playing on SAES? : I joined SAES:RPG community since 2017 (3years+) but i forget my old acc so i took permission from an admin HQ and i create a new account. Do you have past experience with other gangs/squads/companies? (name them) : Immigration-Customs-Enforcement. Federal Bureau Of Investigation. The Blood Brothers MC. Comando Da Capital. OverdoseCrime. Organization Zero The company Wild ~Angels CripZ UnderGroundEmpire Black~Bullets Peaky~Blinders Hell soldiers If yes, explain the reasons why you left/got kicked from each of them : Hmm, well lemme start with squads i left my first squad ICE because they went inactive and began to join the players are not ready , FBI I left it because it was inactive then i decided to be as crimside i joined BBMC but sadly gang has been closed , CDC like ICE reason , OC and Thc better tell the reason ingame,Organization Zero i really had fun there with cool friends,but i just felt like im done with them ,helped them a lot.I think it's time to do a high step in my career.Wild Angles closed like BBMC reason and CripZ better tell the reason in game.UE better tell the reason in game.Black~Bullets i left after i got a permission from HQ to help PB .Peaky~Blinders i will explaine the reason in game.I left BB its a long story tbh also was dumb one i didn't decide to leave or anything i just saw friends leaving i did the same since some forced me to leave (yeah i know its really fool thing ).Hs i'didn't feel well inside the gang also form the day I joined i went inactive and the mainly reason my friends came back to black bullets. Have you ever been banned from SAES (if yes, please explain) :N/A What groups are you currently part of? :Yes,i'm in Outbreak Oganization . Personality Information : What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :Well, I don't like to describe my self as special but yeah, i have some qualifications which let me be a little bit special, I keep training every single day to get better & better in my shooting skills, though, my aim is better now, I'm kind of active as well, I still have pleasure playing this game and honestly, I enjoy it as much as I can which is why I'm able to come in game everyday. In addition, my experience in gangs made me a little mature & understanding how gangs work. Though, I'm trying to get better at roleplaying as well which is one of the most important things in the server if not the most important. Whatever, I'll be behaving well & I'll try my best to be respectful towards all members. I'll keep training to get even better so i can achieve other & better skills. Explain in your own words the roleplay of Black~Bullets:Black Bullets' role is mostly about assassination with its different kinds, price is the most thing they care about, whatever or however or whenever doesn't matter to them, they can do any type of assassination for the right price. Secondly, Black Bullets work on manifacturing guns, repairing them & costomising them with best kinds & types of several Scopes or Silencers which is unique & there are well-recruited people who work on that, though, in order to make a deal with Black Bullets, they should make an agreement with one of the agents. Finally but not less importantly, Black Bullets own their invesments corp which totally let them wash their money, known as "Money laundering", as usual, a special agent will be taking responsibility of the operation. Why did you apply specifically for Black~Bullets? : In my opinion Black~Bullets is a one of the biggest gang and is feared among the streets. They have been selling guns since they were created in 2011 year. Its literally one of the best and most respected gangs , joining BB will be honor for me honestly, This gang is the most powerful one SAES. BB is full of elite members and leaders who are the really the right person who I need to learn more from them also BB is an experienced gang which I wanna be a part of it to improve everything's in my saes life and I wanna make a friendship with them and be a part of this family which really gonna change me and help to do much things. Do you know any B~B Member (as a friend), and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :Yes, @Jasser , @voli , @nicky , @K2rhym @Melou, @MArk, @Trap , @Faysal Anything else that you would like to add? [Optional] : I' wanna say sorry i was a bit drunk and some camels forced me to leave and yeah that happened and i'm really sorry, i promise it wouldn't happen again Thnx for reading,Rocket
  6. Happy birthday hetler
  7. Hbd @Faysal
  8. #430 Event Type: chicken shooter Prize: $1.000.000$ LWS: @Colobria Winner(s): Spon Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/NNXE3ff
  9. Event number: 427 Event type:LMS Prize(s): $1.000.000 LWS Helper(s): @Colobria Winner(s): @YankaTa Screenshots:https://imgur.com/a/oMYnr7v
  10. ~[01/06/2020 Camels Turf LS]~(FF4500): Before: After:
  11. ~[29/05/2020 Camels LV BR 8/8]~(FF4500):
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