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Cheesse's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
Nickname: PlatWater Account name: PotatoQuinten Age: 15 Gender: Male Country: Belgium / Europe Languages: Belgium,Netherlands How long have you been playing SAES: 4 years How long have you been playing MTA: 5 years How would you rate your activity on forums and ingame: im really active! im everyday online. and on forums iam 24/7 online or offlin but i check every day and 1 hour Rate your RP skills and explain with details about it: Explain what is [4x4] role: it's an Off Roadin Group that uses 4x4 vehicles or DirtBikes and SandKing to chill around and have fun. Current memberships: [ Sons Of Chaos ] Rate your English skills : 4/10 im still learning at high school. Rate your Map Knowledge skills: Rate your driving skills: 7.2/10 Rate your Teamwork skills: 10/10 Previous bans: N/A Why do you think you're suitable for this sort of group: i'm a huge fan of Off Road cars in reallife too and also ingame!. Strengths: Active/Loyal/Good In Roleplay! and also TeamWork. Weaknesses: i have AHDH. and also DHDH. Reason for application: my reason that im doing apply is. i like the group and the communication. and i like to drive offroad! and also i like the members. loyal group is just fun and everything. what a group needs Are you active on Discord: Yes Additional Information: Hello, i'm Quinten Vansieleghem i' am a young Belgium's Kid and i like to play with friend on MTA or just for fun on a server u know what i mean and also i like football, if you need to know more about me u can ask everything u wanna ask to me i always answer. post an offroad vehicle to be considered( in spoiler): https://imgur.com/a/G3UetDr
Nickname: PlatWater Real name: Quinten Age: 15 How long have you been playing SAES?: now for 6 years Do you own a freeway?: Yes. Previous G/S/C experiences and reason of leaving?: UE: got kicked discussion with Leader : SAPA: Left/ was nothing for me and a lot of small gangs. Explain roleplay: acting like in reallife What is an MC?: Motorcycle Club. Why do you want to be Sons?: i want to be a part of [ Sons18 ] because i like the communication and everything the gang also i think i can help it to make it a little bit bigger the gang with my membership. What is DM?: Death Match
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Underground Empire - Media Archive
Cheesse replied to Ammar's topic in Underground Empire's Public Forum
Hoster: Underground Empire ZIP/LWS/G6: [AA]Kowalski Prize: 1.000.000$ Type: Chicken Nader Location: LVX Winner(S): MrSolrac ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/zmj6y6w -
Ingame name: PlatWater Ingame username: PotatoQuinten Previous organizations and leaving causes: BloodZ: leaved because me and the Leader got in a discussion and so i leaved : SAPA : Police was nothing for me : and also another small, gangs Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was founded in June 23 in 1866 by 3 men called John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis and also they purchase weopons, and they are distrubuting drugs around Las venturas, and also they covering, the dirty money in the casinos in Las Venturas, Which most of them are owned by the clan itself. and alo Underground Empire is one of the most respected gangs and one of the most active gangs in the server, and know alot of members Michaell, Hari, Vlad, and more. What binds you with Underground Empire: UE is very loyal gang, everything is so good organized and i like the gang because it a nice gang nice Turf wars and everything! the communication is also very good and i wanna add some, more loyality! and also more Communication, to the gang so i wanna be part of the Underground Epire family. What do you know about organized crime: its one of the most big organization, and aslo they need Teamwork, and to be loyal. Extra: guys, i wanna say that im learning english at school im, 15 year and im so active on the server im not busy with school but learning english thats why my english i a little bit poor.
*Your Ingame nickname :**PlatWater *Your username :PotatoQuinten *Your ingame hours : 77hours. *Do you use Discord ? : Yes *Your building skills ?/10 : 6.2 *Your English skills ?/10 : 5.3 im working at it at school! *Your current G/S/C : BloodZ *Your Current Group(s) : SAPA: but was nothing for me / Hell~Bulls: but it was not for long *Why you want to join CEO and why should we accept you ? : i look this group and i want help with my experience and i like. to build and to *make people happy. because LWS is not everydag online and we can make events too. and i going to make loyalty and everything in CEO! italicised text
Application for Cluckin' Bell #In-game name: PlatWater #Account name: PatatoQuinten #Age: 15 #Gender: Male #Country: Belgium #From how long are you playing SAES: im playing since 2013 but i was banned with a mistake ask ingame! #Since when are you playing GTA SA: from 207 #How well do you speak English?: I'm a little bit good in english but im mt speaking is a little i make some mistakes. #What all languages can you speak other than English?: Belgique Netherlands #Tell us about something about yourself: Hello im Quinten i'm 15 years old and i love playing MTA:SA and i like football! #List few of your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are being friendly , loyalty , im good in RP i think its youre choice! #Are you in any group If yes, Name them and also name your previous groups and reason to leave them: SAPA: Nothing for me / BloodZ my current gang!. #Have you been ban or warned by any admin in the last 1 year if yes, Explain Why? N/A #Why do you want to join Cluckin' Bell?: i would like to join this group because it seems that it's a very good Group it looks fun to sell some people food and everything!. #What can you offer Cluckin' bell?: I can offer my loyalty and positive activity for them. #What do you expect in return from Cluckin' Bell? i expect that Cluckin Bell is going to be a group with a spawn and everything because this group is zo nice and everything! #Do you agree to follow all the F1 rules and Cluckin' Bell rules?: Ofc #Who are Cluckin' bell's founders?: Tapi and Rainy #What is Cluckin' bell's Motto?: Cluckin bells motto is Eat till you say No Please
1 Personal Information. Name:Quinten ingame Name: PlatWater Age:15 Nationality:Blegique Capability to talk english (1-10):6/10 2 In-Game information. How long do you play on SAESRPG?: i was playing on 2013 but i was banned but im not 10 anymore :P What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: SAPA: but i was kicked out because i was 10 and i wasn't so good in RP : and some small gangs you know. Do you have Discord and a working microphone?:i have discord and also a microphone How many hours a week do you play?: 30 hour What are your strengths and weaknesses?: my aiming is good! and also RP is better! : Weakness : Answer the following as good as you can: #3 Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: i look at the topic and i see that BloodZ isn't i small gang BloodZ going to be a big gang.! Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: activity. loyality some good friendschips. : What is Roleplay?: Roleplay is acting like in reallife : What is our Gang RP and Motto?:The RP of BloodZ is selling different kinds of drugs. BloodZ are located in the west coast : What do you do if you get deathmatched?:Report The Player : What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?:Report the guy. Tell us something about yourself: hello im quinten im 15 years old and i like playing games on my PC and also i like football.and im going to school.