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Absent last won the day on September 4 2024

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  1. Date: 07/09/2024 Participants: @Ammar, @zKill98, @DJO, @WetCat Roleplay title: Money can't buy happiness, but can buy a liver After years of smoking and drinking, a prominent high ranking member of the Empire was diagnosed with advanced cirrhosis and liver failure, and was given mere months to live unless he was given a liver transplant. Due to his past of alcohol abuse, he was denied a spot in practically every liver transplant list in the country, so we had to get creative. Luckily, our contact across the border in Mexico had good relationship with a surgeon and the dean of an accredited hospital there, and upon meeting them, he came up with an idea. The idea involved masking the name of recipient under the name of an actual person on the list that was deceased before receiving the transplant, thus raising no suspicions with the authority. We met with the contact and the doctor and set up the details of the operation. The patriarch was flown in to Mexico and shuttled to the hospital, where the transplant operation was done in secrecy. Upon the successful conclusion of the operation, the patriarch spent some time in the hospital to recover. The involved parties were rewarded nicely for their help.
  2. Date: 07/09/2024 Participants: @WetCat, @Haj, @Ammar, @zKill98 Roleplay title: The Clean Up in Los Santos The patriarch was sitting behind his desk when he called two of his most trusted soldiers to his office. He knew that the recent deals which were made this week have brought in a hefty sum of dirty cash, and now it was time to launder it. The plan was simple - buy a couple of inflated properties and then sell those properties off. The property hunt was about to happen in Los Santos. The two soldiers joined by a third one spent the next few hours touring inflated properties across the city—luxury homes, vacant high-rises, and commercial buildings. By the end of the day, they’ve secured several deals, all overpriced to maximize the amount of money they can launder. With the properties purchased and the money laundered, the soldiers moved quickly to flip the properties, selling them through their legitimate contact. The paperwork was immaculate, and on the surface, everything appeared legal. They sold off the properties, pocketing clean money, just as the Patriarch ordered.
  3. Date: 10/06/2024 LV BR Blueberry BR Turf
  4. Date: 29/05/2024 Bank Robbery Las Venturas
  5. Date: 02/01/2024 Turf:
  6. Participants: @Absent District: All Shift period: 15 minutes Number of vehicles: 16 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ezrnirz
  7. Participants: @Absent, @Rieeria District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 18 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ejaC46H
  8. Participants: @Absent District: All Shift period: 15 minutes Number of vehicles: 9 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5Itn8Z1
  9. Participants: @Absent District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 20 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/pHScmaw
  10. Date: 12/12/2023 Participants: @Absent, @WetCat, @tkm1n, @Curvy, @Hammer Roleplay title: Time for land investments It was a day for investments. The Patriarchs have planned to buy a couple of lands across San Andreas which they saw in some advertisements over the web. They were possibly about to be used for future industry development or for other purposes of the Empire which we didn't know yet. Phone calls have been made with the landlords and meetings were scheduled. Everything went smoothly except with one of them. He was really stubborn and kept insisting on the fact that there was already another buyer. Minutes after "proper" business talk and good looking deal for both sides, the landlord changed his mind and was convinced that it would be better to sell it to us. The Empire has always had its ways of doing business. Screenshots:
  11. Participants: @Absent, @Phrost District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 12 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8VpHEn8
  12. Participants: @Absent District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 4 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/tn05xeE
  13. Participants: @Absent District: All Shift period: 20 minutes Number of vehicles: 13 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/U0jnWnO
  14. Date: 05/12/2023 Participants: @Absent, @Doom, @Cdai, @WetCat Roleplay title: Endangered finances Part 2 The individual from the recent events which involved vehicle fire incidents across Underground Empire's casinos had to be uncovered. This time, a couple of soldiers were tasked to set up a trap by parking an expensive vehicle on the parking lot of Clown's Pocket Casino. Some time passed before the figure with the hoodie on appeared. He was constantly rotating his head, being paranoid, obviously - an amateur. The soldiers moved in and caught him without giving him a chance to escape. He was invited to accompany them in a ride which he couldn't really refuse. The individual has been interrogated properly by applying the methods of the Empire. It turned out that he got paid by a rich man with a beard, around his 40s with black formal clothing style who he met at a bar located in west Las Venturas. We knew he was talking about the Vice Bar owned by our former ally - The Outfit. It was time for revenge! Screenshots:
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