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Everything posted by Deu

  1. Rest in peace
  2. Nanobob couldn't even get his server KATLA done within nearly two years other than posting diaries for everything he's done so far and we couldn't even try out the scripts on the test server which they never opened. I see you guys are complaining about how small this script is but if you take a look at the modshop script(made by Nanobob) then you'd really understand it doesn't fit the "RPG" mode either. The community players are driving around with gigantic monsters and destroying the cars of other people, ruining their fun which means there will be more reports and staff members will have to take care of it. I personally think that Nanobob could've done more for the SAES other than pointing out that he's busy developing KATLA and he can't devote his time to this server. Let's get to the point where I don't understand, if you're really busy with your server for approximately two years then why are you still restricting other players and developers from making script and pissing them off? No hard feelings but they've done more than what you did within the past months. If I were you on your position, I'd actually thank them for doing most of the work. If you don't get time because of the real life problems then you can step off from your position and let other developers take it instead, they'd also be motivated to do the work and they'd actually devote time to the SAES. I've been here for a quite long time and I've seen good suggestions which never got implemented and I don't understand why a script which doesn't even match the gameplay which would bring up more problems can be implemented and they just can't. Not to forget that people who actually used to make suggestions has left the community because they know it's a dead end(no wonder why). MTA is indeed an old game, but if you really take a look at other servers then you can see that it's still possible to implement great scripts. Everyone would consider Nanobob a good scripter because of his position within the clan, but that's not really the problem because as far as I can see it, he actually pisses developers off than appreciating their effort. what I'd suggest for developers is that you can go somewhere else and contribute your skills into something which would be appreciated by someone else, at least you'd have the motivation to implement more scripts, otherwise it would seem that it's a waste of time around here. I see a handful of people who literally quote the paragraphs and answer them. Why not let the leader of developers "Nanobob" answer them instead? I'm pretty sure he has a tounge and can respond to the complaints made up on this topic. The outcome is obvious though. SAESHQ(probably Kain) will quote the paragraphs with a few community players and keep answering them for Nanobob. I personally believe SAESHQ doesn't even give a shit about what's going on their server, they just fool people and they say they'll come up with a new server to keep the donations coming in for a server which rarely gets developed on the terms of major scripts. The best example to this would be to go inactive for about a year and come back, you'll notice that there's nothing changed but new players instead. If you're really wondering then I rarely play on the server nowadays so don't tell me not to play because I don't like what's going on the server.
  3. Happy birthday
  4. @brophy That's gay That's gay That's gay That's gay That's gay That's gay
  5. Available on L.W.S' official Discord.
  6. ^[ ] ^[] -=(#8db600)^[Event Pictures]=- ^[] Hai, Use this thread to post screens of your events. Enjoy! LWS HQ.
  7. ^[ ] ^[] -=(#8db600)^[How to use this forum?]=- ^[] Hai, I've decided to create this forum due to the amount of LWS related topics at the General Screenshots forum, now you may have more chances to join as this forum will only be about LWS events, easy for you and easy for us! Rules: Please keep the tittle like "<Nickname>'s LWS Events". Do not use "LWS :: " it will be used for official stuff ONLY! Do not go off-topic (no spam). If you're already in LWS, please change your topic title to "[LWS STAFF]<Name Here>". Once you post an event in your topic you have to post it here as well. Enjoy! Credits to Masterwind for the topic.
  8. ^[ ] ^[] -=(#8db600)^[What are we looking for?]=- ^[] Hai, Looks like most of our players fails to understand what are we really looking for in the players to join LWS. I don't blame them due to the most recent actions taken by the group but I do not want to see more people moaning about LWS, how much do they need to "pay" us and which g/s/c should they join to "boost" their chances - That's a HUGE mistake! We're currently working hard to change ya mind about LWS and I believe this is the first step to clear your mind. Above all, we're looking for mature players, the ones who can behave themselves and follow orders when needed, we also praise your sense of humor so you must know how to take a joke. We don't want to see our members raging in game nor in the forums, that's terrible for our reputation because they are promoting and representing us ever since the moment they joined. We are also looking for players who understands the meaning of "quality over quantity", it doesn't matter how many events you host nor how much money you giveaway but how good your events actually are. I'd rather invite a player who hosted 20 good events than a player who hosted 80 bad events. Your events quality includes: originality, security, mapping, creativity, organization, etc. Your events quantity includes the winning price / rewards and how frequently do you host one, both sides are important to join but what really matters when we're discussing you is the quality of your events, the quantity will come later and both sides will be evaluated as one. Obviously, we're looking for skilled players but don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to join ZIP and try again later, It doesn't matter who you are nor the groups you may or may not be wearing in your signature, I want to see your potential, creativity, originality and the way you're willing to waste your free time in game to host events AND help the other players hosting theirs. Of course, whoever has access to a construction panel is half-way ahead of who doesn't but as I said above, it doesn't really matter if your potential overpasses theirs. Finally, you need to be active, I guess I don't need to explain why. Here's the list of the attributes each one of us evaluates when discussing your invitation (for the lazy ones): Maturity; Behavior; Attitudes; Quality Quantity; Skills; Potential; Creativity; Originality; Activity; Thanks in advance, LWS HQ Team. Credits to TbdS for this topic.
  9. ^[ ] ^[] -=(#8db600)^[How to join?]=- ^[] Hai, It's about time to let you know how to join LWS! Be sure to read and understand this topics: http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/23929-lightning-world-sports/ http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71489-lws-rulebook/ http://saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71490-lws-what-are-we-looking-for/ Let's say, you REALLY want to join LWS and you did read the topics above, you'll obviously need to post a topic here, why? We need to know more about you! We rarely invite people who did not posted a topic there so by doing that, you'll surely boost your chances of joining us. As soon as you reach a fair quota of GOOD events hosted you'll be noticed by our members, if not by the HQ's. You'll end up by being under-discussion in our private forums and to avoid the old "friendly policies", where only "our friends" or " our gang mates" joins, the decision will entirely be made by the HQ team. Of course, our member's opinion is important and will be considered but we'll easily spot the bum-friends and hopefully decide what to do. If you're lucky enough you'll be PMed in the forums with a guidebook and later be added ingame to the group. Good Luck! Thanks in advance, LWS HQ Team. Credits to TbdS for this topic.
  10. ^[ ] ^[] -=(#8db600)^[Forum Management]=- ^[] Hello there, As you may have seen there's lots of topics here, most of them inactive, some of them spammed. Our Job on this topic is to help you having a clean and op event's topic. For the inactive topics we've set up a limit of inactivity, which is two months. If you do not post an event, your topic will be closed on our weekly check ups. If you become more active ~[DO NOT POST ANOTHER TOPIC]~(red), you will have to ask for it to be re-opened. How? With this form, it will also work for the ones who want their topic to be somehow cleaned: Name: Link to your topic: What do you need from us? Thanks in advance, LWS HQ Team.
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