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Everything posted by Deu

  1. criminals when someone opens the red door at jail
  2. when Bone runs out of money in real life: [SA] - SAES>Bone: >>>>>>>>>>>>> ICE POLICE <<<<<<<<<< [SA] - SAES>Bone: ICE rule. [SA] - ICE|Bone: ICE ICE
  3. when UE members get banned, that's what normal players see: This player has been banned bla bla bla what ThC members see:
  4. Human's reaction after getting -8 dislikes after a few minutes of his post
  5. ThC vs UE taking turf areas: what I imagine: and it turns out to be this:
  6. when an UE member posts a meme, that's what non ThC members see: what ThC members see:
  7. Fugitive learning out that his ban will be extended to 4 months from 2 weeks:
  8. when THC members see an UE member posting a meme about THC
  9. SAES members when they find out about the transporter bug
  10. SAES members (points at Bone) when they're done banning the transporter bug abusers
  11. Mega9 after reading Fugitive's ban appeal
  12. Fugitive & UE members when they see SAES members waiting at the transporter spawn
  13. @Rzz0 said in Bring [TT]Rzz0[1312] back!: i wont be able to use the chat this week meaning i ~[cannot]~(red) ~[annoy]~(red) people
  14. when a cop sees a car full of criminals while on duty
  15. We won't be joining this meeting as NNB. The reason is that president hasn't shown respect towards NNB and several other squads on his victory speech and we intend to return the favour. I would urge you to do the same.
  16. @Billionaire will always be the president in my heart
  17. recorded these years ago but didn't really share it on public forums so there you go: https://youtu.be/LoxntAEbkAE https://youtu.be/DiLPS9AkeYw
  18. https://youtu.be/P0twVqm2O20
  19. a short stunt video recorded by @NORI999 https://youtu.be/buSVoSouIog nnb & fox event: https://youtu.be/4nJkfc_R7v4
  20. @C-Carl-C said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: In-game name: Carl Account name: Seri123 Real name: Med ali It's obvious that you copied most of your answers from other applications. The answers on the "Section III: Theoretical Knowledge" don't belong to you. @Carter said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: I've always wanted to join the nnb, but I don't know why he hasn't tried it before. I mean, it's always been my attention, and it's a really good team. I can hang out with talented players there to improve myself and take myself to the next level Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? Because since I started playing saes, I've always played on the police side, and I've improved myself on this side.I think I'm not incompetent, and I know everything on the police side. @Riley said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: NNB (National Narcotics Bureau)'s role is to "make SA drug free". I would say their role is to detect drugs, find the source of the drugs, and stop the drug dealing all over San Andreas. @Freeeeman said in SAFP - San Andreas Federal Police: What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): The act of acting out a scenario or scene where it does not take place in real life but in a act. @NORI999 said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: mean Teamwork is when u cooperate with your partners to responding any call : (SR ,JB, BR and Raiding bases) and making RPs /event, making some plan and give every one his role in tasks. @kamasullah said in NNB - National Narcotics Bureau: If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: If he is a person I know I ask him what's the deal. He might mistaken me and killed me. Humans do mistakes after all. But if he responds not nice or does it again I take a screenshot and report. @Hash said in ICE|Immigration & Customs Enforcement: Explain what is marker arrest (In 50 Words): marker arrest can be in bank or jail , it's the moment when the player is trying to get out of the place that he was in , you need to give him couple of secs then you be allowed to arrest him Application ~[DENIED]~(red). ^[] On the behalf of NNB Executive Team, Deu
  21. congrats mens
  22. ^[Event Type: Hotdog race] ^[Prize: 1.500.000] ^[Winner(s): VinnyBL] ^[Helper(s)(LWS/G6): Deu, Alper] ^[Location: SF AP - LS AP] ^[Screens: https://imgur.com/a/bwD0f6B]
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