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SAES Community Staff
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Everything posted by Anas_

  1. Welcome to Anas's LWS Events. I will resume doing events. My old topic is here, feel free to take a look! Format of my events. Type of event: Hoster(s): LWS Member(s): Prize: Winner(s): Screenshot(s): Total number of my events : 44. Money spent on events : 60,000,000$.
  2. @Filex Lmao, tbh? It's useless lol, as Bone said, it's working fine, no need to mess it up
  3. Event: Chicken Shooter. Prize: 1.000.000 $ LWS: Mrwan. Winner(s): Energizer. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9qh6Hyd
  4. SWAT ACTIVITY https://imgur.com/a/ET34yQC
  5. SWAT ACTIVITY https://imgur.com/a/Y5eJpQE
  6. Event: Bat fighting. Prize: 1 million. LWS: Zaza. Winner(s): Fad Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/EKCtCwn
  7. Address : 3 Bay Road. Location : Tierra Robada, Close to disk and Store Rob. Has a car spawn. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/leo4wAn Starting : 2 millions. Minimum increase : 150 grand. Buyout : 5 millions. COMMENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED
  8. This suggestion sucks, @JohnnyEnglish said in [Suggestion] Kill-Arrest rework: Prison Wardens, guard the prison. Even if they camp, their mission is to prevent any form of jailbreak. Enough said.
  9. Address: Appartment Block 194 Account name: latrikas Last seen: 19th January. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fSWQYnl
  10. Address: 2 Grassyknoll Square Account name: 77haimgame Last seen: 5th December 2018 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xX1LE53
  11. @raefmlaih said in Naval Special Warfare Command: @X-luffy-X @Winston-FXR @Anas_ @Beast and all members NSWC good luck and good work ~[i want say NSWC and here members my love]~(purple,red,orange) nigga i am swat
  12. Hello, I was a member of ZIP, joined back in 2013, was added by Jasem. my old username was anousa01 and new CyberGhost
  13. In my opinion, it's a go no, as you mentioned why it shouldn't be in the server, cause simply it will be ear rape, also, it will make the server laggy as hell, and we have Discord/TS3 and we can use that, if players want to ofc, so this is basically useless.
  14. SWAT Activity (28/12/18) Night Activity- Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Mtvz0h8
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