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Everything posted by Anas_

  1. ROLEPLAY: Rudy Brooks opened his garage, and as soon as he opened, a client came, asking to get his vehicle repainted to pure black. Rudy agreed to repaint it, and informed the owner that he will inform him as soon as his vehicle is available. (( RP LINES:)) *Rudy Brooks opens his locker, reaching for a long pants and a long-sleeved shirt. *Rudy Brooks takes out his enclosed goggles from his locker, putting them on. *Rudy Brooks reaches inside his chest pocket, taking out his utility gloves from it and wears them. *Rudy Brooks takes a plastic sheet from his work desk with several tools on top of it. *Rudy Brooks unfolds the plastic sheet and makes sure to cover his tools with it. *Rudy Brooks looks around, double checking that everything has been covered. *Rudy Brooks reaches underneath the work desk, taking a respirator mask, adjusting it around his head and covering his mouth and nose with it. *Rudy Brooks reaches for the sanding machine, taking a medium grit, placing it on the machine. *I've only noticed a few rust spots on the vehicle so I'm using a medium grit, the more rust the higher you go on the grit and vice versa. (( Rudy Brooks )) *Rudy Brooks turns on the machine, begins sanding the paint of the vehicle, making sure to reach all spots he is able to with the machine. *After a little while I would be done doing so. (( Rudy Brooks )) *Rudy Brooks turns off the sanding machine, placing it back to its original location. *Rudy Brooks reaches for some sand paper located in his tool kit underneath the desk. *Rudy Brooks uses the sand paper to remove a bit more painting from around the headlights, near the tires, roof, hood, trunk, going all over the curves. *Would still be using a medium grit like I used on the sanding machine (( Rudy Brooks )) *Rudy Brooks throws the sand paper in the trash bin once completed. *Rudy Brooks has noticed two minor dings underneath the door handle. *Rudy Brooks reaches for a tube of catalyzed glazing putty, twisting it open, pouring a bit on the dings. *Rudy Brooks takes a small card of plastic, spreading the CGP over the two dings. *After a litte while the catalyzed glazing would be dry. *Rudy Brooks takes a little piece of fine grit from his chest pocket, sanding the dings till it is smooth. *Rudy Brooks throws the sand paper in the trash bin, taking a little bottle of denatured alcohol. *Rudy Brooks reaches inside his jeans pocket, taking out a little piece of cloth, pouring a bit of the alcohol on it. *Rudy Brooks has noticed two minor dings underneath the door handle. *Rudy Brooks reaches for a tube of catalyzed glazing putty, twisting it open, pouring a bit on the dings. *Rudy Brooks takes a small card of plastic, spreading the CGP over the two dings. *After a litte while the catalyzed glazing would be dry. *Rudy Brooks takes a little piece of fine grit from his chest pocket, sanding the dings till it is smooth. *Rudy Brooks throws the sand paper in the trash bin, taking a little bottle of denatured alcohol. *Rudy Brooks reaches inside his jeans pocket, taking out a little piece of cloth, pouring a bit of the alcohol on it. *Rudy Brooks starts cleaning the surfaces to remove a bit of oil. *Rudy Brooks reaches for some masking tape in his tool kit, begins covering all parts on the vehicle which he doesn't want to paint. *Rudy Brooks reaches for a few sheets of plastic, covering the windows and tires with it and begins taping them. *Rudy Brooks takes some small sheets of plastic, covering the mirrors, license plate and headlights, also covering the chrome parts. *Rudy Brooks throws the tape back inside his tool kit. *Rudy Brooks reaches for a clean piece of cloth, picking up a bottle of acetone near the desk. *Rudy Brooks pours a decent amount of acetone on the clean cloth. *Rudy Brooks begins cleaning the surfaces which needs to be painted. *Rudy Brooks make sure there is no dust or oily residue left on the vehicle. *Rudy Brooks places all current tools he is holding back it its original position. *Rudy Brooks does a double check on all the tapes he has applied, making sure they are secure. *Rudy Brooks reaches for the paint gun. *Everything would be prepared for usage of the paintgun as it was installed (( Rudy Brooks )) *Rudy Brooks reaches for the desired color the costumer has chosen, adding it in the painting container. *Rudy Brooks succesfully connects the aircompressor to the moisture seperator filter. *Rudy Brooks attaches the moisture seperator filter to the paint gun. *Rudy Brooks is fully prepared to begin painting. *Rudy Brooks sprays the surface of the vehicle. *Rudy Brooks sprays in smooth, broad strokes, making sure every portion is fully covered. *After a little while the vehicle whole be fully painted. (( Rudy Brooks )) *Rudy Brooks has finished painting the vehicle. After couple of hours, Rudy phoned in the owner and asked him to get his vehicle. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/E0LYTYT
  2. I am pretty sure Ronseal is older than my dad, happy birthday lad!
  3. ROLEPLAY Story: Rudy_Brooks opened his garage like always by morning to work, after few minutes, he received a few calls about a car that needs an engine replaced, he gave him the exact location, and the client showed up, left him the keys of the car and went to drink a coffee meanwhile Rudy fixes his car. Rudy started firstly with inspecting the car 360 degree to make sure there is no oil leaks or any dangerous thing. Then placed the key in the ignition and turned it 90 degrees, by then he found out what the engine problem is, it was working for a lot of years, simply the engine is tired and needs to be replaced. He turned off the engine and took out the keys and placed them on his desk, then walked right to his drawer, and took out a brand new engine 10. Wooden City V8, placed it right next to the car, then he walked again to his desk to get the screw and start unscrewing the bolts, then removed the engine. He opened the box of the engine, took out the engine and placed it on its place in the vehicle, it totally fit! He connected all the wires then screwed the bolts. After that, he took the keys again and walked to the vehicle and turned the engine on to try it, he left it working for a while to determinate if there is any problem, but luckily there was not any. He shut down the engine, took out his phone, called the customer, he came to the shop, paid Rudy and took his car after leaving a good review. Participants: N/A Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Ou21NAm
  4. Starting bid: 10 millions. Close to LV X https://imgur.com/a/lF7mcQ5
  5. Event: Pubg Event. Prize: 1 million. LWS: Dufabo, Flusha. Winner(s): Rose. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/opRdd5Y
  6. Event number #35 Type of event: Boxing: Pubg Event. Hoster(s): Anas. LWS Member(s): Dufabo, Flusha. Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Rose. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/opRdd5Y
  7. General Information Nickname: Anas Account name: CyberGhost Age: 16 Country of residence: Tunisia. Time spent in Cuban Cars(~): Since 27th May, 2019. Current role (Mechanic, Impounder, Mentor): Mechanic. Roleplay Name (If used, else leave blank): Rudy Brooks. Current Journy in Cuban Cars (min. 100 words): TBA.
  8. Event number #34 Type of event: Boxing: All vs all. Hoster(s): Anas. LWS Member(s): Dufabo. Prize: 1,000,000$ Winner(s): Tema. Screenshot(s): https://imgur.com/a/UPWo4iP
  9. Eid Mubarak to every arab or a muslim winshallah yan3ad aalikom bel sa7a
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