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Everything posted by Anas_

  1. S.W.A.T Activity(11/03/20): Screenshots: ::: :::
  2. S.W.A.T Activity(11/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/W8JSzkg :::
  3. S.W.A.T Activity(09/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/wo0rIz1 :::
  4. S.W.A.T Activity(08/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/4VmWPhG :::
  5. S.W.A.T Activity(08/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/hKZIl1p :::
  6. S.W.A.T Activity(08/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/r7MCXB1 :::
  7. S.W.A.T Activity(08/03/20): Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. S.W.A.T Activity(07/03/20): Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/zCIj54T :::
  9. S.W.A.T Activity(07/03/20): Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. I don't know if it is allowed to offer, but I am offering 6m.
  11. @Moley said in Desert Eagles Official Statement - New Changes: Like if something happens on the sea these days. bruh, they dont care no more, they just want the title lol " I am DE"
  12. Well, Anas as in my name or you may find me as CyberG(CyberGhost) the vpn
  14. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Anas_ said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Anas_ said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Kybali0n said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: why not??, if money makes u happy, lets make the money whores happy! Lol, money does not make you happy? Then why the fuck y'all doing BR's in first place? We deserve a reward for taking you all down, so please cut the crap and think before posting such trash post like this mayb you cut the crap & inform yourself how BR actually works? to make it very simply for every brainless pig here, i used terrys paint (+ my edit) as you can see, the yellow field from saves till coridor you get money, everything in direction of the marker you get no money. = deffenders gets NO MONEY, NOT EVEN A CENT! = you got as cop more money from only one arrest at br than ~80% of crimes bring. gangs are NOT doing br for money, we doing br for fun & status, to show that we can sucessfull make an br. &to repeat again how much anyone in the yellow field gets money: -gang wich is robbing = ~150k max -gang wich are helping br = ~7-16k/safe = ~70k max -only people in the yellow area gets this money -2 store robs = 80k (= even if you are not deffending & only go br for the money, you still get more money from 2sr than one br) &as you saw, is the deffending line not in the yellow area = ~80%+ crimes at BR get NO MONEY AT ALL (even minus money cuz drugs & guns). and the ones wich could get the most money, also the robbing gang, mostly only the crackers stay in the yellow field + some retard helpers running arround safes instead deffending. because deffence & sucesfully BR is more important than money. i hope my superdetailed explain shows you, that gangs does br deffinitly not for the money & that cops mostly get more money from br than crimes (besides crackers) but at the end iam like kyba, if you want even more money, just do it, i get as deffender anyways no money at every BR Okay, I don't really know about this BR stuff and thank you for informing me, and I know you lads do it for fun, etc, but yet you get money, every gang does a bank rob, so you still get money anyways if your gang does so. But we're talking about cops here, we should receive the reward, and we're looking for the bag and we're money whores, but you can not go cry about it and say it in public, say some respectful shit maybe, but like that? It's pure diss and as you guys do it for fun and status and show that you can make a successful bank robbery, we want to show our strengths too and show that we are able to stop a bank rob and get more arrests in our stats. Sides should be even and fair, so I see this is a good suggestion, even if your defenders don't get any money, you should talk to SAES HQ's about that, not cry about it here. maybe if you would write in a more respectfull way to kyba & i dont needed repeat this info for the 39274911x time (whilest this br reward is known over ages), than i would write more kindfull. i just give as much respect to you as you gave to kyba.. and also as i explained, not the whoole gang gets money, mostly only the crackers get the money (2-4 mens), because other gangmembers try to deffend as good they can & give a fk to the money. and saes hq knows how br systhem works over ~4y so pls use your brain before you showing zero respect to someone who have knowledge about an subject, whilest you only halfinformed Oi, I have knowledge too lad, and as I said, I don't care about how the system of BR works, I am not in a gang, and all I care about is us, the police side, and the money we get, if you wanna tell SAES HQ's about the corridors and stuff, go ahead, that's your problem and they can change it after 4 years.
  15. @Bartman said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Anas_ said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: @Kybali0n said in [SUGGESTION] Rewarding cops for stopping BR's: why not??, if money makes u happy, lets make the money whores happy! Lol, money does not make you happy? Then why the fuck y'all doing BR's in first place? We deserve a reward for taking you all down, so please cut the crap and think before posting such trash post like this mayb you cut the crap & inform yourself how BR actually works? to make it very simply for every brainless pig here, i used terrys paint (+ my edit) as you can see, the yellow field from saves till coridor you get money, everything in direction of the marker you get no money. = deffenders gets NO MONEY, NOT EVEN A CENT! = you got as cop more money from only one arrest at br than ~80% of crimes bring. gangs are NOT doing br for money, we doing br for fun & status, to show that we can sucessfull make an br. &to repeat again how much anyone in the yellow field gets money: -gang wich is robbing = ~150k max -gang wich are helping br = ~7-16k/safe = ~70k max -only people in the yellow area gets this money -2 store robs = 80k (= even if you are not deffending & only go br for the money, you still get more money from 2sr than one br) &as you saw, is the deffending line not in the yellow area = ~80%+ crimes at BR get NO MONEY AT ALL (even minus money cuz drugs & guns). and the ones wich could get the most money, also the robbing gang, mostly only the crackers stay in the yellow field + some retard helpers running arround safes instead deffending. because deffence & sucesfully BR is more important than money. i hope my superdetailed explain shows you, that gangs does br deffinitly not for the money & that cops mostly get more money from br than crimes (besides crackers) but at the end iam like kyba, if you want even more money, just do it, i get as deffender anyways no money at every BR Okay, I don't really know about this BR stuff and thank you for informing me, and I know you lads do it for fun, etc, but yet you get money, every gang does a bank rob, so you still get money anyways if your gang does so. But we're talking about cops here, we should receive the reward, and we're looking for the bag and we're money whores, but you can not go cry about it and say it in public, say some respectful shit maybe, but like that? It's pure diss and as you guys do it for fun and status and show that you can make a successful bank robbery, we want to show our strengths too and show that we are able to stop a bank rob and get more arrests in our stats. Sides should be even and fair, so I see this is a good suggestion, even if your defenders don't get any money, you should talk to SAES HQ's about that, not cry about it here.
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