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Dear SAI Management, I am being a bit inactive in-game due to being busy irl as I'm graduating and going to join my first job, so there is a bit of work that needs to be done prior to joining. Also network has been cut around my area due to a civil unrest going on. I will be coming online as I get time. Regards, James "FlaMe" Ramirez EDIT [13/06/2022]: network has been restored, but the job pressure is still there
SAI member who you were with: Phins_Douglas ( @ZoRo ) Date, time, and duration of Activity: 1st June 2022 08:55 to 09:46 (51 Minutes) Type of Activity:: RP Patrol Patrol details: Officer James and Sergeant Phins started their patrol at 0855 Hours. They were on highway patrol, and there were not many activities going on at first. They went from Las Venturas to San Fierro and then back towards Las Venturas. On the way back to Las Venturas, they pulled over near Tierra Robada and ate some donuts. While entering Las Venturas, a traffic cam had spotted a car going in excess of the speed limit at Las Venturas Crossing, Officer James and Sergeant Phins started chasing the car. And asked the driver to stop using the megaphone. The driver pulled over in an empty gas station, the patrol car following him in. Officer James shouted over the megaphone to ask the driver to step out of the vehicle and walk away from it towards their patrol car. The suspect ( @Fall-en ) complied. Officer James asked the suspect (name yet unknown) if he has a working speedometer in the car or not, to which the suspect replied that he does not have one, as this is his wife's car and he just took it out today and noticed a broken speedometer in the car. On hearing that the suspect was driving a car not registered to his name, Officer James asked the suspect to provide proof of ownership of the vehicle. The suspect said that the registration papers are in the glove box, but on inspection, nothing was found. The suspect was given a chance to call his wife. He had a talk with his wife and later informed the officers that his wife had sold the papers for some money and loans. Since the suspect was driving a paper with no proof of ownership, that too beyond speed limits, it was decided that the vehicle will be impounded, and the suspect will have to come up with proper papers and get the vehicle unimpounded. The suspect tried to talk of other ways, but the Officers we not give in. Upon asking the suspect about his driving license, it was found that the suspect did not have one with him either. He said that it was stolen along with his wallet a month ago, however, no complaint had been registered in at Police Department. The suspect had a photo of his driving license on his phone. Officer James looked at it and noted the license number and asked Sergeant Phins to run the numbers on the computer. The license was valid, so no charges of driving without a license were charged on the suspect, but he was advised to report the theft of the driving license to any Police Department. Upon request of the suspect, Officer James booked him an Uber at the location and then drove off with the car back to Las Venturas Police Department. Sergeant Phins followed him in the patrol car. They impounded the vehicle in the LVPD Impound lot and updated it on the computer, and then headed back to SAI HQ as their shift was about to end. Screenshots: [s=]Activity Album (each picture contains a little bit story with them too)[/s]
SAI member who you were with: Trooper.Fallen (FallenO^) @Fall-en Date, time, and duration of Activity: 25th-May-2022, Server time 05:05 to 05:58, Duration: 53 minutes. Type of Activity: Checkpoint on I-52 Patrol details: Officer James met with Trooper Fallen to start the day's duty together. They first head out to the cafe in Fort Carson to grab a cup of coffee before starting the day. While sipping down their coffee, they also asked about how each other was doing, how their families were, etc. Then Trooper Fallen received a call from dispatch stating the location assigned to them for the day. They took off from the cafe and drove to the assigned location, which is I-52 near LV-SF Bridge. They logged in their location into the computer system and waited with their pieces of equipment ready; Trooper Fallen waited in the car with his hands on the ignition, in case they needed to chase someone, while Officer James stood outside with a radar gun to track the traffic speed, with the door open, if he required to get back in fast. Soon, they spotted a driver who was driving over the speed limit. They chased him down and asked him to stop. Although the suspect was not complying first, soon he pulled over his car. The Trooper asked the driver to get out of the car with hands up over the megaphone, while the Officer kept his shotgun aimed through the window of the car. The suspect was showing a lot of signs of planning to get away, and the Trooper and the Officer best thought of arresting the suspect and handing him over to the PD. Hence they arrested him and went back to their location. However, Officer James suggested that they might get some smugglers around the Las Venturas crossing, hence they moved there and updated their location on the computer. Soon after, the Trooper received a call from dispatch regarding a change of shift, and the Officer was called back to the PD. Trooper Fallen dropped off Officer James at Las Venturas PD and went on with his way back to his base to end his shift. Screenshots: [s=]Activity Album (each picture contains a little bit story with them too)[/s]
PART I: Introduction Ingame name: FlaMe login name: flameeagle Age: 22 Years How long have you been playing SAES:RPG: 5+ Years, but went inactive in the middle. In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself: I love roleplaying, especially in details, like using proper codes and stuff when I'm acting as a class that does. Also, in most games I play, I like to play as the blue guys, that is the guys who protect and uphold the law. This is the main reason why I am creating this profile for SAI. PART II: Background Check Do you speak English: Yes Tell us how good/bad you are at RP (SAI might be able to teach you things.): Quite good, been in some RP groups in the past too, but I am always open to being better at it. Rate your radio usage skills and abilities: When I'm spawned for RP purposes, I use the radio as it is intended, but my knowledge of 10-codes and stuff like that is limited. But when spawned as SWAT, I mostly just put the necessary stuff in radio, like BRs, and JBs, or if I'm chasing someone and need backup, I use my bind for that. Primary language: English Other languages you speak: Hindi, Bengali Current groups: PC Previous groups: IAC, and a few more but they were mostly not official or long-lived. PART III: Radio Check (California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.) https://saesrpg.uk/topic/235/sai-radio-protocol Have you read our radio codes topic? (This topic can also be found in SAPA.): Read the one mentioned above. Explain what a 211 is: Robbery What does it mean if it's a code 3: Respond with sirens and lights Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty? 10-8, also stating your location is a good idea so that other units can know where you are operating. PART IV: Role-Play Character First name: James Surname: Ramirez Age: 24 Sex: Male Place of Birth: Las Venturas, San Andreas Date of Birth: 10/08/97 Country of residence: United States of America Address: Redsands East, Las Venturas Convictions: None Tattoos: A wolf on my left arm, because during my graduation days, I decided that I will follow this to be my spirit animal. Do you own a driving license, and for how long: Obtained my driving license during my stay at San Andreas Police Academy, as it was required for going on patrols later on. Full backstory: I, James Ramirez was born in the Las Venturas hospital on the 10th of August, 1997. My father was a lawyer in the Los Santos court, and my mother was a teacher at an elementary school. Both of them were out of home for most of the day, and so I was under the care of a caretaker. I received my primary education from San Andreas State School in Las Venturas and then moved on to San Andreas Police Academy, for I wanted to become a police officer. During my stay there, I also got my Driving License. It was a 4-year training course, at the end of each year, we had to give a test to move on to the next stage of training. I was really anxious in the first year, but soon, I became used to the process. Then, during my last year, SWAT came in and announced that they will be directly recruiting officers from the academy. I was interested a lot, and hence I applied. We started training and preparing for the SWAT tests. Then the day came. I was the only candidate to be tested that day. (Our test dates were decided based on the candidate's readiness). So, I went up to my tester and sat in the car. He asked me to drive to the Las Venturas crossing, and then to San Andreas Bank, Los Santos. Then he asked me to drive to the San Fierro branch of the San Andreas Bank, and also adviced me to keep a balance between driving fast and taking care of the car too. So, I tried minimizing sudden throttle or braking. When we reached, he informed me about my timing and said that I had passed that test. There was a helicopter waiting there, he took me in that helicopter and we flew off. He then handed me a parachute and asked me to jump and land on top of the San Andreas Bank, San Fierro building. It was a tight spot, and not gonna lie, I was quite nervous. Thankfully, I managed to open my chute and guide it perfectly to the landing spot. He then asked me over the helicopter's megaphone to get down to the ground via the ladder and elevators. I went there and he met me there. He then asked one of his fellow officers to get a car, and he got one also. He asked me to drive his car and follow the other officer's car. The goal was to simulate a chase situation where I would be chasing a suspect (in this case, the other officer). In the end, I PIT the other car into a spin, and it came to a stop. Then I was taken to an indoor firing range and my firing skills were tested with practice ammunition. We also had a paintball-like match between me and my tester to check my combat skills too. At the end of the day, he said that my tests were done and I could return to my Academy and wait for the results. I went back and started preparing for my graduation. Then on the graduation day, I received my ProCop Diploma, and, right after that, some SWAT Officers came and said that I had passed the SWAT test and would be joining SWAT as a Probationary Officer. Then I joined SWAT and was trained for about 1 year, before giving a test and finally becoming a SWAT Officer of the Private rank. I kept working hard and one day, my work was rewarded by promoting me to the rank of Lieutenant. It was at this time, that I used to sometimes go back to the San Andreas Police Academy and help in training more future candidates for SWAT. I could say that life did come a full circle then, One day, I was the one being trained, and now, I was the one who was giving the training. It was during my stay as a Lieutenant at SWAT that I met the love of my life, Jennifer Lawrence. She was an Officer of the San Andreas Police Department, and I met her on one of my patrols one day. I had gone for a coffee at the coffee shop in Fort Carson, and just as I was parking my car, I saw her coming out of the coffee shop. I was just mesmerized. But I did not pay much attention to it then. We just made a bit of eye contact for that day. The next day, I again went for coffee at the same time and saw her again. After a few more days, I decided to go a bit early, and as I entered, I saw her sitting alone at one of the tables. I went to the counter and ordered a coffee and went to an empty table to wait for my order. She then got up, came to my table, and asked "mind if I join you?" And that is how I met my child's (or to-be child's) mother. We just had a little bit of chat that day. Since then, we used to meet up there every day at the same time, and sit at the same table too.. *smiles .. ah those days. Then a couple of days later we exchanged numbers. Unfortunately, that day was going really bad for me, as I was having a medical issue that was preventing me from working to my fullest capacity. Feeling low, I signed out for the night and went to my home. I was just sitting on the balcony, watching the sky, when my phone buzzed with a message. "Hey! How was your day?" read the notification of the message. We talked for a couple of weeks over the phone, before I finally asked her out for a date. The best thing that happened that day, while we were returning, was it rained, and it was romantic weather, to be honest, and we both felt the romance while driving back. I dropped her home that day, and later at night, we stayed up the entire night watching a movie together on an online movie streaming platform where we could watch together. The next day, I was really happy at work, and my fellow officers did understand that something special had happened. And, I couldn't really hide it from them that much, because, well, they have their own ways of uncovering the truth *laughs.. so, at the end of the shift, all the boys and girls of my squad went to the local pub to celebrate it out. It all went fine until one day, I was to lead the assault into a drug cartel's hideout. Most of our other missions were hostage rescues, and we used non-lethals in those, and the chances of casualties in those were a lot low. But this one was different, in this one, we had the capture or kill order, and we carried lethal weapons. I tried to hide the details about the raid from her and just say that it was just another normal work, but she got the smell of it at the last moment. As I was about to leave with my boys and girls for the hideout in our armored Enforcer, I saw her walking toward me.. she came and hugged me, I could see the tears in her eyes.. the only things she said that day were "please, come home safely today, I will be waiting for dinner with you"... I kissed her goodbye and we left for the raid. Unfortunately, things went a bit wrong that day, although none of my squad members were injured, except me. I had a stray bullet going through my left chest. EMT thought this might have penetrated my lungs, or worse, my heart, and I was rushed to the nearest hospital on a medevac. I passed out during the transit. When I woke up, I saw that I was in a white room, with my girlfriend sitting beside me, with her head leaning on my hospital bed. As I woke up, I called for her, she looked at me, and trust me, those were the most "thank god you are back here" emotions in her eyes I saw. I was hospitalized for almost 2 weeks then. Returning from the hospital, I was barred from going on active combat missions for a month, as my lungs were still recovering. It was then that we decided to get married. We married at the Las Venturas church, near the Las Venturas Police Department Headquarters. A lot of SWAT and SAPD Officers attended the wedding. It was a smooth sailing ever since then. Years went by, and I finally decided it was time to step down from the Lieutenant post. So, I was assigned the Sergent positions in SWAT. My better half too decided to retire from the PD and start her life as a freelancer. Now she freelances as a full-stack web developer. Although we have not yet decided to have a baby, but that might change soon. However, we both know, that my duty comes before me, so my diligence toward the law will never stop, until my last breath. Jump to today's date, I still go to combat missions as a SWAT, sometimes even doing regular police work as SAPD too. I am also working for regaining my Lt rank in SWAT too. Also, I am looking ahead and preparing to join the San Andreas Interceptors, as a Highway patrol force, as I want to work with them as well, since they too, uphold the laws of the roads. And as for my wife, she is doing really well in her career too. The best part is, every evening, she waits looking at the driveway, waiting for my Dodge to come and park. She then comes out with our pet.. oh yeah, I almost forgot, we have even adopted a husky, named her Roxy. It's been so many years since marriage, and yet, every time I see her, I fall in love with her again. And yeah, she cooks amazing food, so much so that my squadmates love the food she cooks. When we have any gathering, they all request her to prepare at least one dish for everyone, and ofc, it's up to me and her to do so. Then again, morning comes, and I'm back in my Dodge, heading out to duty, wearing the SWAT badge, and looking forward to another evening of coming back home.
Account name: flameeagle Icon name:12 North Street Shore Account name: flameeagle Icon name:Chinatown Candy Store Account name: flameeagle Icon name:Ls Budget Store Account name: flameeagle Icon name:Ls Bad Dragon Outlet
Address: Uber 69 cents store Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 1st May, 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
Address: This Is Where Ment Gave A Blowjob To Teddy Account name: emirhanpolat Last seen: 1st May, 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wAUYy5g
@nicus said in AFK indication: @RAMPAGE said in AFK indication: Yes, why not? Would be good. You can kill someone and check if he respawns or not, also good afk indicator. It's good idea indeed ;) fucking love you for this.
Venturas ramp to SAA001, you guys have a gay hanging by the door, you should check that before clearing for pushback, over.
News for you: TaJ died from heart attack while wanking (once again)