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Newbie (1/14)



  1. GZ for New Base And Skin Guys <3
  2. GL Guys
  3. USE THIS FORMAT Address:3 Cock Road Account name:Malicious Last seen:22 february Screenshots:https://imgur.com/r6bL9sA
  4. Application Format: Personal information Nickname:hamza250 Ingame Username:[WA-H]Salver Age:14 years old English proficiency:8-10 Nationality:Tunisian Spoken Languages:Arabic-Frensh Roleplay skills:7-10 Previous Organizations you joined and the reason why you left/kicked : -1-ICE i joind and i leave cuz one membre didn't respect me. -2-BBMC Dead -3-HRMC i leave cuz he is inactive. Questionnaire Write a paragraph explaining our Role:Hunting and killing enemies, targets either it was personal, for money also they do kidnapping and torture, robbing and stealing, arms and drugs dealing. Previous punishments/bans and reason:N/A Why you want to join Wild Angels?:Cuz Wild Angles is a gang actives in game , his membres is good in playing and respect othres. What makes you special over the others and why should we accept you? :I'm friendlier and active in game What does DeathMatch means:DeathMatch know as DM when u kill othres players without reason it's not allowed. If someone randomly DMed you, what will you do?:If he is in gang or squad SS and report to HQ,if not SS and report to admin. So you were going for a JB then you find a cop (AFK or not chasing you), what will you do?:I will ingore him cuz when i kill him is DM u must only be carful and ready. What does avoid arrest means:Avoid arrest when a cop chasing u and u killing ur self it's not allowed. State 3 turf rules: If you are killed in a turf where a turfwar is going on, and you are spawned as a cop or criminal, it is not counted as deathmatching. This is just part of the war. You can only use gang spawn or the hospital spawn when a turfwar is going on. You are not allowed to spawn medic or cop to assist your gang in a turfwar. Gaining health in any other way than respawning or eating food is not allowed. (so no reconnecting no) State 3 BR rules: One gang is allowed to do maximum of 2 gang bank robs per day. Gang can not start gang bank robbery with only 1 member of that gang inside the bank. During gang bank rob, members of gang which is robbing the bank can kill any player inside bank they are robbing if they don't want that player on their bank robs. State 3 GR rules: Dont GR alone. Dont GR allies. Dont spawn kill in GR. 3. Additional Information Do you know any WA Member, and did anyone recommend you to apply for us? :Yes,Karim and PewD. his ~[What are your strengths:]~ Driving-Shooting-Rp teamworking. ~[What are your weaknesses:]~(red,navy,navy,purple,violet) I have lag somtimes and driving planes. Something else to add?:Yeah My name Hamza know as [WA-H]Salver,i'14 years old i'm studen i live in Tunisia i play in this server form 5 Months but i go inactive and i return.I have one brother he is studen too and he is 17 years old he practise Football. And thnx for reading :relaxed:
  5. username:blt01 last seen:17 decembre 20 screens:https://imgur.com/a/h5BUQDG
  6. -Application Format- Ingame name:salver Real name:Hamza Account name:Hamza250 Age:16 years old Nationality:Tunisian Languages Spoken:Arabic/Frensh/English Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave):BBMC/ICE BBMC dead ICE his membres didn't respect me Current server groups:N/A Your strenghts:Driving/Shooting Your weaknesses:i have lag sometimes How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years but i was inactives How long have you been playing on MTA:3 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES:N/A Rate your English skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10:9/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch:DeathMatch know as DM when u kill othres playres without reason. What is the meaning of RolePlay: Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life. What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest:Avoid arrest when a cop chasing u and u kill urself it's not allowed. Why do you want to join HRMC:cuase i wanna prevoide some helps in this GANG. Why should we accept you:I Friendlier and active in game. Do you have any friends in HRMC:yes,reket Tell us something more about yourself:Hello,my name's Hamza know as salver in game i 16 years old i'm studen i live in Tunisia .i play in this server from 1 years but i was inactives I like vidos game and Football Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang:reket
  7. -Application Format- Ingame name:salver Real name:Hamza Account name:Hamza250 Age:16 years old Nationality:Tunisian Languages Spoken:Arabic/Frensh/English Previous G/S/C's (why did you get kicked or why did you leave):BBMC/ICE BBMC dead ICE his membres didn't respect me Current server groups:N/A Your strenghts:Driving/Shooting Your weaknesses:i have lag sometimes How long have you been playing on SAES:1 years but i was inactives How long have you been playing on MTA:3 years Have you ever been kicked/banned from SAES:N/A Rate your English skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Roleplaying skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Driving skills from 1/10:8/10 Rate your Shooting skills from 1/10:9/10 What is the meaning of DeathMatch:DeathMatch know as DM when u kill othres playres without reason. What is the meaning of RolePlay: Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life. What is the meaning of Avoid Arrest:Avoid arrest when a cop chasing u and u kill urself it's not allowed. Why do you want to join HRMC:cuase i wanna prevoide some helps in this GANG. Why should we accept you:I Friendlier and active in game. Do you have any friends in HRMC:yes,reket Tell us something more about yourself:Hello,my name's Hamza know as salver in game i 16 years old i'm studen i live in Tunisia .i play in this server from 1 years but i was inactives I like vidos game and Football Did anyone recommend you to apply for our gang:reket
  8. ~[Personal Information]~ Name:Salver Nickname:hamza250 Age:14 Gender:Male Nationality:Tunisian Tell us a little bit about yourself (three sentences minimum):Hello,my name is hamza know as salver in game i 14 years old i'm studen i live in tunisia i have tow Brothres i play in this serevr from 3 Months but i was inactive beacuse i have probleme but now i fix it .I like vidos games and Football How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?3Months Have you ever been banned or jailed before? If so, why?N/A Please list your previous squad/gang/company history:ICE Please list your current group memberships on the server:N/A What are your strengths?Driving-Tased-Rp teamworking What are your weaknesses? i have lag sometimes Do you have discord & TS3?Yes,i have discord Whats your average ping?60 Do you have access to the PC spawns?N/A How many hours do you have in-game?70 Hours How often do you visit the forums?3 Times perday ~[Rate your skills below -]~(blue,blue,blue,lime,lime,lime,yellow,orange) RP (out of 10):6/10 Arresting (out of 10):7.5/10 English (out of 10):8/10 Driving (out of 10):7/10 Combat (out of 10):7/10 Answer the following questions Why do you want to join STF?i wanna jon STF because his a good squad actives,good in playing and his membres repect Othres Did somebody recommend that you apply to STF? If so, who?N/A This is my choice but i patroll with STF member Larsone Do you have a solid understanding of the server rules and laws?Yes In your own words, define roleplay:Roleplay is playing real life situations ingame and playing like its real life. In your own words, define DM:Death-matching know as Dm to kill people with no reason not allwoed In your own words, define teamwork:mean to be helpful and work with your team to stop armed robbery or arresting any suspect. or making RP And thnx for reading :relaxed:
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