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Vergio's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Application points (7/10) Hanground efforts (6/10) Voice interview (7/20) Opinions of our members (8/10) Total (28/50)
  2. About yourself. In-game nickname:Vergio In-game username:Vergi Your real name:Khaled Age:17 Nationality:Tunisia Do you already have any friends in The Outfit?:Yeh, King Did anyone say that you should apply to join us?:King What unique qualities can you offer to The Outfit?I can bring my experience I have a lot. Also I'm active player of this server and can raise activity of O. Also I can do some activities for O and I'm friendly and mature guy who can work in team always. Additional information about yourself:Hello,My Real Name is Khaled and i live in Sousse and my old is 17 and my best games its MTA and i need any time to play Criminal Past experience in SAES:RPG. How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? (Please mention any inactivity absenses & forum time too):i play SAES at 2014 and i left MTA and now i back What previous gangs/squads/companies you have been in?(Please provide these in order, with time spent in each if possible):BBMC Why have you left the above?:I joined BBMC by wrong and I left it because it's so boring for me What server groups are you currently a part of?:N/A Previous server bans and reasons (include links):N/A
  3. First Part Nickname:Vergio Account Name:Veri Gender:Male Age:16 Nationality:Tunisia Primary Language:English/Frensh/Arbic Secondry Language(s):English For how long have you been playing SAES? :1 months How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):8 hours Which G/S/C have you been in? :N/A Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? :N/A Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? No Second Part (this part was specially made to show us how far can you go and help the gang so think well before answering the situation, it may need some time but it's easy if you are what we are looking for dont include this note in your application) 1- It was the right time to start a bank robbery with the gang, the defense was regrouped and everyone was ready, the first door was cracked succesfuly but while cracking the second one a cop got in and arrested both official crackers of the gang how would you act to save the bank robbery and the panic inside the gang?:i was goin the 50% of denfeders on left side and 50% more in righ side and with other crackers to left i was crack with him and i was tryning to doin him to calm down. 2- You made a mistake inside the gang and everyone was putting the pressure on you, although you were so annoyed how would you act in a proper way concidering that you will be able to fix things in future?: yes i was tryning to fix it with anything cost. if my gang they will be better later. 3- You were directly provoked by someone from outside the gang, the offense was too high that you got really annoyed, what would you do to solve that?:i was taking all proofs about that schreenshots console.logs from MTA files and i was sending him to one SAES HQ admin for finish this problem beacuse we can found all time the True 4- The gang came to an end after a long ride and the leader decided to close it because of the lake of activity he was facing how would you act to convince him from a part and how you will solve the activity problems from another part:i was tryning to talk with him and if he got any good reason for close the gang i will try help him for fix it and keep the gang. but if he's got on reason to i can't help him i will respect that to he want to close the gang and i will hope him good luck and if he make again the gang if he can call me back!!! Third Part What is your motivation to join BBMC? :i like the activity to he's got and the members beacuse they are awsome guys and i Like the RP To he's doin What can you bring to the gang? :Alot of RP & Events and 1 big bussines if he want but the income he's 4k but the bussines they are very very big Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who :Yes, [BBMC]SoulFly
  4. Happy birthday
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