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  1. This organization has been dead for over 1 year, are you taking some sort of unprescribed medication?
  2. Asshole bone
  3. I would if the server was up but since I don't even have an account anymore It's shut down atm so I'll probably get an account on friday
  4. I have a minecraft server literally with that account fk sake fine i'll just buy my own account once I get paid on friday
  5. @Marso what the fuck you twat you gave me it like 2 years ago or so
  6. It's for his minecraft account
  7. @Marso listen up, I wanna know, What is your favorite team? What is your favorite pet's name? What is your favorite restaurant? Don't ask why just answer pls.
  8. I thought I'd never see the day... If only I wasn't banned lul. Wish you all the best lads & pls kick @Cornelius I'll pay you 100m
  9. happy birthday old bud have a good one
  10. worth a shot need cash
  11. Saw someone else do this 2m and you get the name
  12. https://youtu.be/28ugMCLKxPc kind of late yeah ik
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