Section I: General Information In-game name: KiloGram Account name: triteroussema Real name: oussema Title(Mr/Mrs): Mr Date of birth: 01/09/1999 Origin country: tunisia Country in residence: tunisia Timezone: usually from 12:00 to 18:00 ( server time ) Spoken languages: i speak arabic , frensh and english fluently English proficiency on a scale of (1-10): 8/10 Do you have TeamSpeak 3/Discord/Whatsapp installed?: yes , sir i got it all . Section II: SAES Experiences How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: i started playing the last month Previous organization(s): N/A Why did you leave or why were you kicked? Briefly explain: i didnt join any Have you ever been punished by staff(s)? If yes, briefly explain: No sir i have not received any kind of administrative sanctions Do you have Professional Officer Certificate?: No sir , but im working on it . If you had it before, how did you lose it? Briefly explain: Are you a part of any group in SAES? If yes, state your position within the group: im a SAPA cadet with 4 stars of probation Section III: Theoretical Knowledge Write a summary of your qualification(s): i started playing mta since 2012 ( tactic servers ) so i can use guns as its a part of my body , exept that i consider myself as a mature and respectfull that can be positive for his team What is your greatest weakness?: i new with the rpg servers so i feel that im not a roleplaying thats why i decided to join SAPA Why do you want to be part of the NNB?: firstly i was not planning to join NNB but once i met a HQ named Mootjeee and jim i was amazed by their behavior they were so respectfull they treated me as a part of their squad i enjoyed patroling with them and i decided that this team is the perfect for me and here im trying my best . Why would we choose you rather than the other applicant(s)? : i cant say that im experiensed but i can confirm that im a quick learner i obey every rule/order i think that you have to choose me because im a future professional player that will be loyal to the squad that refined his skills What is the role of NNB in SAES? Briefly explain: NNB is working to make SAES a drug free server it's a squad that interested in all that drugs ( smuggling , promotion, consumption ) How would you describe roleplaying? Briefly explain: roleplaying is to act ingame exactly as you do in real life What does "Team Spirit" mean to you? Briefly explain: teamplaying for me is when everyone act as a part of team and do all it takes for the good of the team ( one for all and all for one ) If someone kills you for no reason, what would be your first reaction? Briefly explain: i will take some screenshots and report him so i can guarantee that he recive the appropriate punishment How would you describe marker arrest?: marker arrest is a disallowed action first and it means arresting a player once he gets out of / get in an interior How do you describe yourself to people? Briefly explain: im oussema im a 19 year old guy that likes to play video games i started playing rpg servers lately im trying my best to improve my skills and start a professional career path as a cop ::: :::